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  1. blue marlin

    VHO Lights stopped working!

    Sonny, I think Ice Cap is the answer at this point. My ballast is shot so I am going to order an Ice Cap this weekend! Thanks.
  2. blue marlin

    HELP!! Aptaisia anemones in LR. HELP!!

    I had a lot of aptasias in my tank - over 60 of those creatures to be exact. I went nuts ans did a lot of research. In my opinion, the safest way is putting peppermint shrimps in your tank. If the aptasia is too big, you may want to shoot them with some kalk mixed in water. I did both and...
  3. blue marlin

    VHO Lights stopped working!

    The lights are brand spanking new. I checked all connections and they seem to be fine. As far as the ballast goes, it is pretty old but I wouln't know how to check it. Maybe if I go to home depot, they will tell me how to troubleshoot it.
  4. blue marlin

    What are the dimensions(in inches and feet) of a 200 gallon rectangular tank?

    I have an Oceanic - 200 gal. and the dimmensions are 8' x 2' x 2'. This makes a good proportionate tank! I recommend that you get a tank with as much depth as possible. Specially, if you are going to set it up as a reef tank.
  5. blue marlin

    my reef tank is acting up - maybe?

    Boomer - I have crushed coral (1/2 in. to 1 in.)in the bottom of the tank for aesthetic looks only. No LSB or plenum. I am not completely sold on this type of filtration system yet. Furthermore, I clean my crushed coral every time I do a water change!
  6. blue marlin

    Bristle eating everything

    I had a very similar problem; my starfish ate all my peppermint shrimps, lawnmower blenny, cleaner shrimps, and the yellowhead. That's when I decided to take the whole thing apart and take the darn thing out. I had to hand feed her every day or else! So, if yours is that aggressive I...
  7. blue marlin

    Ecosystem Scrubber as only filtration?

    Old Yeller Tang, how do I know your e-mail. I tried to send you a private message and the site would not allow me to do it! here is mine, Thnaks, Carlito
  8. blue marlin

    AquaC EV 200 vs. Precision Marine Bullet 2

    Thanks for your inputs, it has been very helpful. carlito
  9. blue marlin

    Ecosystem Scrubber as only filtration?

    I am considering buying or building scrubber my self. I have a big tank and am always out of town so I need to have a system that can support my lifestyle. Old Yeller Tang, you mentioned that it is easier to build one. You seem to know how to go about it; any ideas? Also how do I know how...
  10. blue marlin

    used aquariums in texas

    Where are you in TX. I know a person who has an Oceanic 200 gallons. It is reef ready and in good condition.
  11. blue marlin

    AquaC EV 200 vs. Precision Marine Bullet 2

    I need a new skimmer. I am considering to get an Aqua C EV200 or a Marine Precision Bullet 2. Besides being efficient, it needs to be very quite. I don't want to cut any corners this time. By the way this skimmers is going in my 200 gal. reef tank.
  12. blue marlin

    What can I do to cool down my tank?????

    Guys, that is a great idea; do you think the good old frisge will do the trick on my 200 gal. tank. I need to take action soon; it is already getting hot in TX.
  13. blue marlin

    Algae Scrubber Filtration System

    Thanks for the information. I will look into it.
  14. blue marlin

    Algae Scrubber Filtration System

    Does anybody outhere have any knowledge on algae scrubbers filtration systems. I am tryng to get as much information as possible but the all the information I have has come from the manufacturers themself. Any suggestion is appreciated!