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  1. xrayharmony

    90 tank setups

    FDA... have you had any problems with this anemone stinging your corals that you have in the tank? I was reading about them because i think they're gorgeous, but what I read was that they're very aggressive and will eat anything they can get their tentacles on... or at least kill whatever they...
  2. xrayharmony

    help identify?

    thanks for trying but i'm not so sure... since the "fan" was not really a fan, but i'll keep that in mind. I just hate having "aliens" in my tank and not knowing what it is hehehe... i hope you're right though! I don't want anything nasty! :)
  3. xrayharmony

    help identify?

    I will first appologize for not having a picture of the alien creature i just saw in my tank, but i must try to describe it for anyone who might have seen them before. I saw what looked like a small tube fan, however, it's body moved fluidly, and was like a sac that a worm with a very small fan...
  4. xrayharmony

    90 tank setups

    He's GORGEOUS! i sooo want one.. i'm jealous!
  5. xrayharmony

    post anemone and clownfish pics

    carpet and male gold stripe maroon clown, mama is too camera shy
  6. xrayharmony

    90 tank setups

    my eye was drawn to the blue tube anemone... isn't that what the blue thing is?:confused:
  7. xrayharmony

    fishy pics! NEW!!

    thank you, i thought it was interesting as well... it wasn't fun though trying to mix it together evenly! more pics coming soon, i just rescued a green brain, and some mushrooms, and i have to get a good pic of my other clown yet... mama clown is camera shy:) and i have to get some smaller size...
  8. xrayharmony

    fishy pics! NEW!!

    oh yeah... sorry.. my name is Harmony.. hehehe
  9. xrayharmony

    fishy pics! NEW!!

    yes i know all about the dangers but thank you for looking out for me:) that is one of the greatest things about this forum... everyone cares about the hobby and about others. The sea apples though are so beautiful, and they really have the same risk as their nasty little cousins the cucumbers...
  10. xrayharmony

    fishy pics! NEW!!

    Oh, and this is me... HELLO EVERYONE!!! I'm quite new here... so thought i'd introduce myself!:D
  11. xrayharmony

    fishy pics! NEW!!

    Mambo the dancing peppermint and fearless aiptasia eater!
  12. xrayharmony

    fishy pics! NEW!!

    Macintosh the sea apple...
  13. xrayharmony

    fishy pics! NEW!!

    candy cane.. the coral banded shrimp
  14. xrayharmony

    fishy pics! NEW!!

    sunny again...
  15. xrayharmony

    fishy pics! NEW!!

  16. xrayharmony

    fishy pics! NEW!!

    berber the carpet anemone and nemo the clown...
  17. xrayharmony

    fishy pics! NEW!!

    try not to mind my wonderful algae bloom!!! this is the entire tank... 125g reef
  18. xrayharmony

    clown pair question

    thank you for your good info melody, it's much appreciated:D
  19. xrayharmony

    clown pair question

    Well, my female clown is dead. I didn't make it in time... so does anyone know if my male will possibly mate with another female?
  20. xrayharmony

    clown pair question

    I have a mated pair of clowns and the female has a parasite. I'm wondering if will mated pairs will die if one of their mate dies? I know that seahorses do. If not will they be able to become mates with another clown ever again? thanks for your replies in advance! :(