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  1. xrayharmony

    Your Anemone Life Span

    I had a beautiful LTA that was absolutely huge (about a foot across when fully filled) that got so happy he moved a piece of LR by burying his foot deeper and deeper... which in turn made that piece of rock fall on him:( He lived for about another month and a half with good days and bad, but i...
  2. xrayharmony

    Trying to ID

    I have one in my tank too and i did an internet search and found that it's in the same category as sea fans which i also have a ton of that came on my LR, but as far as i could find they aren't at all a threat to the tank... just filter feeders they catch things with their two long tentacles...
  3. xrayharmony

    Bye,bye snails

    I have tons of snails and I have gotten some from the LFS and some from flying fish, but mine all are living well and my turbos have doubled and even tripled in size since i got them about 6 months ago! i have a nice mix though of about 5 turbos, maybe 20 astreas, and a bunch of ceriths... too...