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  1. marineguys

    Is my frogspawn splitting or dying? Pic!

  2. marineguys

    Cleaner shrimp cleaning protein skimmer?

    My cleaner shrimp hangs out, upside down on the protein skimmer. Is he cleaning the protein skimmer? You can see a pic of it under Fish Photography, just look for my name. Anyone else seen or heard of this?
  3. marineguys

    Pics of my whole tank (big files!)

    The tank is a 3 month old 55g. We used photobucket to post these pics. YES we have a problem with microbubbles. The seaclone 100 either doesn't skim or creates awful bubbles like you see in the pic but it's actually much worse in person. I saw the modification you can do to it but i don't have...
  4. marineguys

    Pics of my whole tank (big files!)

  5. marineguys

    DSB vs. SSB

  6. marineguys

    DSB vs. SSB

    its good quality threw away the package but maybe i was putting too much dt's in.... since the duster is gone i wont put any in and see what happens after the next water change. i think it needs more live rock. what about the gaps under the base rock?
  7. marineguys

    DSB vs. SSB

    Did a 90% water change. Nitrates went to down to 5ppm. 2 days later, nitrates are up to 20ppm. Vacumed sand bed. There is a gap and little sand undrneath the base rock... would that be cause of nitrates. Also, cut down feeding 50%. Removed fan worm because he stopped coming out presumably...
  8. marineguys

    DSB vs. SSB

    Ok. If a coral that is smaller than a half inch that died cause this much nitrates?
  9. marineguys

    DSB vs. SSB

    Fuge is not gunna happen, sorry. I have a API test kit. Seems good. I tested the clean water RO I have stored and it was negative. tested my tank water right afetr and it was 80ppm. I think because I had just fed? Was 40ppm when I woke up today. I will check again tonight and do a 100%...
  10. marineguys

    DSB vs. SSB

    Nothing has died. Corals look good.... for now. Nitrates went down to 40ppm the next morning. Will do a big water change tomorrow. I can not find the root of the cause. I tested the kit on plain RO water and it ruled negative. Debating making a deeper sand bed, removing 2 chromis, etc.
  11. marineguys

    DSB vs. SSB

    My nitrates have now doubled within a 24 hr. period. (80ppm)
  12. marineguys

    DSB vs. SSB

    I do q weekly 10% water changes with RO. Some people on this site have stated that my 3 month old 55g is overstocked. I have a few snails and hermits, 1 and 1/2in sand bed, 1 small tang, 2 clowns, 4 very small chromis, and 55lbs live rock. Nitrates are 30-40ppm Nitrites 0 Ammonia 0 PH 8.2...
  13. marineguys

    DSB vs. SSB

    My nitrates are high. Would a DSB help?
  14. marineguys

    Diy Refugium?

    I have a 55gal. What sizes do sumps come in?
  15. marineguys

    nitrate high

    Yea Gandolph8. My nitrates are 30-40ppm on my 55g. I have tried everything.
  16. marineguys

    Diy Refugium?

    No sump. What can i use to pump up the water and down the water? A powerhead won't do? what about the boxes with holes on each side that hang on the back and have a powerhead to flow? do those help? there is a pic on a certain website... wish i could show it.
  17. marineguys

    Diy Refugium?

    I need step by step instructions for a 10g or 20g refugium. Talk to me like I am 5 years old please! Cheap too! :joy: