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  1. marineguys

    Ditch Bio-Wheel? Nitrates 30-40ppm!

    Should i ditch some of the chromis? Would that lower nitrates? I forget what test kit i use. It's a nice one with glass tubes. It came with calcium, phos, nitrate, and dkh. Kent maybe? The lights are on too long i agree 10-12 hours. but I have read in books it doesnt matter for the algae...
  2. marineguys

    Ditch Bio-Wheel? Nitrates 30-40ppm!

    OK. Refugium is out. Too much hassle. I don't want a hang on fuge cause it's ugly with the other light on the fuge. I don't want to stick it underneath cause it will stink up my living room. So I decided I would add the canister. I broke the handle that clamps it down on the o-ring. Water...
  3. marineguys

    Ditch Bio-Wheel? Nitrates 30-40ppm!

    whats a good refugium? can i just get a 10gal tank and some pumps with a light? or buy one?
  4. marineguys

    Ditch Bio-Wheel? Nitrates 30-40ppm!

    PH 8.2 Calcium 470 Phos zero Nitrites zero Ammonia zero NITRATES 30-40ppm Dkh 13 Alk normal 55gal 220w T6 We do lots of water changes but nitrates are too high. Should we ditch the biowheel and add the canister? Also, our protein skimmer is a piece of crud. It's a seaclone 100. Any EASy...
  5. marineguys

    Forgot to rinse sand :(

    We have a 4 month old 55. We forgot to rinse the sand also. It took 4 days to clear the water 100%. It was not live. It was aragonite. Hope it helps.
  6. marineguys

    Can base rock ever turn live???

    we've had base rock for 3.5 months now and nothing will touch it. not the bad algae. not the good algae. not the fish. not bugs. lol nada. thinking of taking it out. hope yours works out.
  7. marineguys

    HELP! Anenome not well.

    Nevermind. He's dead. As soon as I submitted this thread I looked and he was floating at the top and his tentacles were all burst open.
  8. marineguys

    HELP! Anenome not well.

    This was our first animal when we set up the aquarium 3 months ago. He has been shriveled for weeks now. Why is he upside down on the protein skimmer? We just changed to better lighting (T6) but he is still expelled. Is this white anenome gunna die?
  9. marineguys

    Phytoplankton causing diatoms?

    whats the white dots on the tank? from snails? or copepod eggs?
  10. marineguys

    Phytoplankton causing diatoms?

    The snails don't seem to eat much of it... oh and i have 3 sand sifter snails and the sand still looks like crap even in the area they stay in! it looks green in the pics but its actually brown.
  11. marineguys

    Phytoplankton causing diatoms?

    2 large ones and 4 small ones and many small hermits
  12. marineguys

    Phytoplankton causing diatoms?

  13. marineguys

    Phytoplankton causing diatoms?

    more pics
  14. marineguys

    Phytoplankton causing diatoms?

    time to judge!
  15. marineguys

    Phytoplankton causing diatoms?

    Bang, we originally started a thread about our diatoms on the reef tanks section. If you search diatoms you'll find it. The thing is we have no silicates. We have only live rock and live sand. So where do the silicates come from? You are correct when we first set it up we used tap water...
  16. marineguys

    Phytoplankton causing diatoms?

    Does it cause diatoms "algae" blooms.... we have all live rock and live trates or trites or phos......
  17. marineguys

    Phytoplankton causing diatoms?

    Our 55 has normal parameters and only use RO. It's over 3 months old and is cycled. We started adding LIVE phytoplankton for the filter feeders. We read that phyto has like 80% diatoms. So if we stop with live phyto will the diatoms plaque stop too?
  18. marineguys

    Red Algae? Diatoms? Brown Algae?

    I thought diatoms need silicate to eat.. Where would the silicate come from? We don't have any phos. or nitrates, or fake silicate sand or rock and we only use RO water. And wouldn't the diatoms of new tank syndrome shown up sooner when it was first cycling? Why 3 months? :notsure:
  19. marineguys

    Red Algae? Diatoms? Brown Algae?

    Here's another image if it helps... :help: :help: :help: