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  1. fyi

    a quick video of my new chromis! 10mb - sorry dial-uppers.

    i have a magnum 350 that i run for a week each month, a 20g sump, and a 15g fuge
  2. fyi

    a quick video of my new chromis! 10mb - sorry dial-uppers.

    there.. it should be fixed now! but a larger file size.. i recompressed it!
  3. fyi

    a quick video of my new chromis! 10mb - sorry dial-uppers.

    strange.. it was workin fine last night, and now the video gets cut short.. does it play the full 2+ minutes for everyone?
  4. fyi

    Do YOU Quarentine your new fish?

    if it was sick, it could very well still be sick, and it might show up the next time it is stressed! just so you know..
  5. fyi

    Do YOU Quarentine your new fish?

    the results from that poll are VERY interesting with now77% saying they DO NOT quarantine!!! shocking! I dont right now, because I cant afford to set up a qt tank! But when the funds come in, I am for sure!
  6. fyi

    Save My Tank!

    first I would suggest getting ALL livestock out of the tank and back to the store u got it from second I say get some live rock for that tank, at least a few pounds. third i say let it cycle fourth i say get just ONE fish for a tank that size.. and think about some low light corals.
  7. fyi

    A quick new full tank shot

  8. fyi Fish Died

    sometimes the wild caught fish just are not happy in a tank and decide not to eat.. a risk we all run in this hobby!
  9. fyi

    swf order

    i think the last time i ordered on a sunday or saturday and it was delivered on wednesday.. if that helps.. it can be different though if they run into a problem with your credit card or something.
  10. fyi

    Help Please Troubles With Pictures

    if u click on reply, then go advanced, all u got to do is click on the pic icon on the little menu it gives u and type in the url then click the pic icon again... it does the tags automatically
  11. fyi

    Help Please Troubles With Pictures

    u dont have to attatch it it should look like this (with the exception of the IMG tags lookin a little different): IMG IMG the IMG tags should look like this: include the ENTIRE http address and u dont need to upload em to swf
  12. fyi

    Do you name your fish?

    any fish that i have named, have died!! i am now testing this theory.. i let my daughter name one of our new chromis.. we will see if it lives or not.
  13. fyi

    Help Please Troubles With Pictures

    lol i didnt mean to rub it in.. just click the img tag thing then include the http and everything.. the entire address of the pic.
  14. fyi

    Help Please Troubles With Pictures

    if thats what u wanna do, just right click the pic on your website and copy and paste the info between the two IMG tags
  15. fyi

    Help Please Troubles With Pictures

    u mean like this??
  16. fyi

    my new wrasse

    im not sure if it is the same for this species, but they can turn female on ya.. put a mirror on the side of the tank every once in a while so that is less likely to happen. like once a week for a couple of hours.. if u do it all the time, it will just ignore the mirror.
  17. fyi

    my new wrasse

    talk to the person at your lfs and see if they can order it for you.. that way if it comes in dead, there is no head-ache for u.. they will have to re-order it!
  18. fyi

    My new red shroom!

    thanks... the people at the lfs claim this strain is known to reproduce with difinitive white striping..
  19. fyi

    a quick video of my new chromis! 10mb - sorry dial-uppers.

    Sorry dial-upers.. this is a 10mb movie! click here
  20. fyi

    my new wrasse

    watch that it dont jump out when its flashing!