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  1. fyi

    my new wrasse

    very beautiful fish! Scott Micheal gave a good speach on wrasses at the MMC 2006 yesterday..
  2. fyi

    Are chromis reef safe?

    how big will they be when fully grown? I picked 3 up, did the temp float and a 2 hour drip, put em in the tank for an hour b4 i put the lights back on..
  3. fyi

    My new red shroom!

    This looks like it might get some white stripes to come in on it.. Actinic lighting, sorry.. tank is almost asleep for the night.
  4. fyi

    Inducing Corraline Growth

    add a rock from your other tank to introduce it.. that'll help alot
  5. fyi

    Inducing Corraline Growth

    im not using anything and its starting to come in on my glass... do u have coraline now alyssia? never add anything that u arent testing for!
  6. fyi

    is this a good site to buy from????

    they package their items EXTREMELY well!!! that is for sure!! sealed up really good, which protects the temperature!
  7. fyi

    Are chromis reef safe?

    yea the tank has been up for a few months, i have a few corals and a neon blue goby
  8. fyi

    Are chromis reef safe?

    a 75 gallon
  9. fyi

    what time of day do you test your H2O?

    Originally Posted by zoie2 so FYI, when do you test? You're saying the same thing he said, about the oxygen and the lights. He said my readings will be different through out the day as my tank "wakes up" BUT I ONLY test in the morning. I could see why it wouldn't be good to test morning one...
  10. fyi

    what time of day do you test your H2O?

    do u have a refugium alyssia? with the lights on 24/7?
  11. fyi

    Are chromis reef safe?

    ok, now.. would it be ok to add 3 of them at a time? i know u should only add 1 at a time, but the lfs has a sale on 3 for $18
  12. fyi

    what time of day do you test your H2O?

    that is not bogus info.. do a test during the day and then a test at night, and you WILL see a difference!
  13. fyi

    what time of day do you test your H2O?

    the pH can change to due the oxygen levels in the tank, which are lower during the night, since your algae is not producing oxygen with no lights!!!!
  14. fyi

    Question about

    this is why we all need to work together and get frags from other hobbyists! It isnt necessary to get them from the ocean anymore, another hobbyist will have what you want most of the time.. Check the corals & trading, and post on there.. maybe u can frag something u have and trade for what u want!
  15. fyi

    Lets do a study together!

    I posted this in the reef tanks section as well, to get imput. I am looking to do a study concerning the shipment of corals. I would like to swap some frags with people and try out 2 different shipping methods. The first method would be normal shipment with water in the bag, and the second...
  16. fyi

    Question about shipment of products in water vs. just damp

    also, would anyone like to maybe trade some frags using the two different methods.. maybe we should all do some studies on this, and maybe save a ton of money on shipping in the future!
  17. fyi

    Question about shipment of products in water vs. just damp

    I am wondering if anyone has had corals shipped to them that were just with damp paper towel. Did you notice a difference (besides the shipping cost) in having it shipped with water then with just dampened? I am trying to do a little studying on different methods of shipping. If shipping with...
  18. fyi

    Are chromis reef safe?

    I looked for it on the left, but couldnt find chromis... Are they reef safe?
  19. fyi

    bio filter

    one thing u can do is buy a second sponge for it and have it in the system a week or two before u need to change it.. it wont pick up alot of the detrius and other things, since the water wont be forced thru it, but it will house alot of the bacterias... then when its time to wash the other...
  20. fyi

    bio filter

    did u ever pick up that chaeto i suggested chadman?