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  1. mbailey26

    Help, Angel's fins are deteriorating!!!

    Help, my Flame Angels fins are deteriorating. I have tested my water and everything seems to be okay . I dont know what to do. Please Help. Any info would be great. Thanks.
  2. mbailey26

    Water Is Coudly And Dont Know Why, Please Help!!!

    Thanks for the help.
  3. mbailey26

    Water Is Coudly And Dont Know Why, Please Help!!!

    Yeah I rinsed them pretty good.
  4. mbailey26

    Water Is Coudly And Dont Know Why, Please Help!!!

    My water is pretty cloudy and I dont know why. My nitrates were high and I talked to my lfs and they told me to rinse my foam filter in my fluval 304, so I did that and put new carbon in it as well. I also have biomax in there but i did nothing to it, just put it back in. My nitrates go a little...
  5. mbailey26

    Snowflake eel wont eat, need help!!!

    I got it to eat freeze dried krill, and he ate three pieces. How do I know if I am overfeeding it.
  6. mbailey26

    Snowflake eel wont eat, need help!!!

    I finally got my sfe eel to eat but now i'm not sure on how often to feed him. Any help would be great. Thanks
  7. mbailey26

    HELP yellow tang is losing color!!

    I do water changes every other week, but this is the first time i have had water problems since my tank was cycled.
  8. mbailey26

    HELP yellow tang is losing color!!

    I did a water change and the levels have dropped nitrite and ammonia are at 0 but my nitrate is at 20. Ph is about the same, I have some buffer that is supposed to make my Ph go up, will that solve the Ph problem. I have no dead fish because I have checked and have seen them all. Feeding, I...
  9. mbailey26

    HELP yellow tang is losing color!!

    Thanks everyone, I appreciate your help and concerns. I have changed the water and this morning i woke up and it's color was back to normal. My intentions were not to harm any of my fish. I will keep a close eye and if i see the same signs, I will do something about. Again thanks for everyones help.
  10. mbailey26

    HELP yellow tang is losing color!!

    I have had the tank about three months, but since it has been cycled a little over 2 months, my water paremeters are a little high, ammonia-1, nitrate-20, nitrite-40, alk-300, ph 7.8, salinity-1.023 (i just noticed them being high and i plan on doing a water change today. I have had the tang for...
  11. mbailey26

    HELP yellow tang is losing color!!

    I am feeding it mainly frozen formula one, occasional flakes but I also have the sea weed salad algae strips in there the majority of the time so they can eat whenever they want.
  12. mbailey26

    HELP yellow tang is losing color!!

    I just noticed today that my yellow tangs midsection region is turning a cloudy yellow. It's not the bright yellow like it used to be. I was wondering if there is something wrong and if there is what I should do. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
  13. mbailey26

    Snowflake eel wont eat, need help!!!

    Thanks for all the help!
  14. mbailey26

    Snowflake eel wont eat, need help!!!

    Alright, I will try that. Thanks
  15. mbailey26

    Snowflake eel wont eat, need help!!!

    I got my sfe about 2 weeks ago and he still hasn't eatin anything. I have been trying frozen and freeze dried krill. I was wondering if anybody has any suggestions. Anything would help. Thanks
  16. mbailey26

    Question about SNOWFLAKE EEL

    So is there any other thing that I could get that would clean my fish for me. Thanks
  17. mbailey26

    Question about SNOWFLAKE EEL

    I have a snowflake eel, and I was wondering if I could still get some cleaner shrimp or if the eel would bother them. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
  18. mbailey26

    Question about CLOWNS????

    I was wondering if it would be ok to have two ocellaris clowns together, and if anyone would recommend it. I have one now and it doesnt do much but stay by the glass, and i was wondering if I got another one if it would start to swim around more. Thanks for your help.
  19. mbailey26

    Is This Normal!!!

    :notsure: I just bought a clown and the whole night it was just swimming against the glass, I got up the next morning and it still was doing the same thing. It wont leave the glass and go swim around. Is this normal or is there something I can do to get it to swim around. Any help would be...
  20. mbailey26

    What Is On My Glass!!!

    Here's a pick I took, but they are hard to see but it's the little white dots.