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  1. mbailey26

    Salt on glass tops

    I'm knew to all this and I was just wondering whats so wrong with glass tops.
  2. mbailey26

    What Is On My Glass!!!

    I was looking at my glass and I noticed these tiny white bug looking things that were moving on the glass and I have no idea what they are, if anyone has any help I would greatly appreciate it.
  3. mbailey26

    What's Wrong With My Fish!!!

    This is the pic, I don't think it copied to the message.
  4. mbailey26

    What's Wrong With My Fish!!!

    :help: I have a new aquarium that has been up and running for about a month. I have a domino damsel and a striped damsel and a neon watchman goby. They have been doing fine but the striped damsel's top and back fin are deteriorating and I dont know whats wrong with it. The other two fish our...
  5. mbailey26

    Need Help With Fish!!!

    I have a fairly new tank, but it has cycled and all my levels are good. I have had a couple damsels in there for about a week they have been doing pretty good but I just notcied that might striped damsels top fin is deteriorating and his tail looks like it has brown spots. I dont know what this...
  6. mbailey26

    Need Help

    I have a fairly new tank, but it has cycled and all my levels are good. I have had a couple damsels in there for about a week they have been doing pretty good but I just notcied that might striped damsels top fin is deteriorating and his tail looks like it has brown spots. I dont know what this...
  7. mbailey26

    Need help with algae

    Yes it's reddish brown and my lights are only on about 6 hours but i had them on for 12 for two days then I switched to 6.
  8. mbailey26

    Need help with algae

    I just established a new 38 gallon tank and I am getting this brown hair algae on my live rock and some on the sand bed. I was wondering how to get rid of it.