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  1. wilks18702

    Question For All Ex ***** Employees And Current Ones Too?

    My problem with ***** is not the fish, its the people who work there. I don't blame them, however, I blame *****. You cant put someone in a department that does not know about that department. ***** really needs to start provide some training to its staff. The people that work in my local *****...
  2. wilks18702


    The Temp is 80. I don't see how. I have not had my hands in the tank for at least a two weeks.
  3. wilks18702


    Its 50G. I have not added anything in a few weeks. I dont see how any chemicals could have. The tank has been for up for some time. At least a year.
  4. wilks18702


    In the last 4 days I have lost a Sand Sifting Gobi, Blenny, 2 Clown Fish, and a Yellow Tang. My water readings are perfect. Salt, PH, nitrite, nitrate, ammonia, phosphate, silicate, all perfect!!! There are NO signs of parasites, no ich, no nothing. When I feed them this AM all was well. My wife...
  5. wilks18702


    ***** has a product that they call Real Ocean Water. Its actuall sea water. It comes from the Catlina Water Company, it costs 9.99 per 5 gallons. Then pick up a bottle of Fritzyme Turbo Start. and dump it in. You tank will be golden!!!! I have used these two products and I have had no problems...
  6. wilks18702

    anyone from NJ

    Exit 9 here, welcome!!!
  7. wilks18702

    Fluidized Bed Filter

    All, A friend just gave me a 46G tank complete set up. Im running a Fluval 404, protien skimmer, power head and a fluidized bed filter. The question I have is that should I be using a bed filter and what does it really do? Thanks, Tom
  8. wilks18702

    Something Is Not Right!

    Yes, thats right!!! Is this sponge something you keep in your filter and replace one a month, or something that you only put in the filter for a short time once a month? Tom
  9. wilks18702

    Something Is Not Right!

    I feed them very little once a day with flakes. Should I be feeding them something different, or less often? What is a phosphate sponge? My test kits are all under a year old, I know that has no bearing on the expiration date, but I assume they are all ok. When I attempt to clean the bottom, the...
  10. wilks18702

    Something Is Not Right!

    No live rock, no skimmer. The first color on my Nitrate chart is 0 the next color is 5.0. it goes up by 5 up to 25 I think. I have seen this before, however, it is getting much more aggressive. I do not have picture currently, as soon as it gets a bit worse where it will show up good on camera...
  11. wilks18702

    Something Is Not Right!

    Oh, and lights are only on for about 5 hours a day. There is no clean up crew. Tom
  12. wilks18702

    Something Is Not Right!

    Thanks for all your tips. PH is 8.3 Ammonia is 0 PPM Nitrite is 0 PPM Nitrate is between 0 and 5.0 Phosphate is 0 Silicate is 0 Salt is 1.028 I am using a glass hydrometer. I use real ocean water. I do not mix anything. I dont think its the water because I have...
  13. wilks18702

    Something Is Not Right!

    I need some help please!!!!! I am having a algae problem. I have a 10 G tank with 2 clown fish. Water quality as far as I can tell is good. All readings are exactly where they are supposed to be (PH, Ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, phosphate, silicate) I had a bad algae bloom. Thick very green all...
  14. wilks18702

    What Type of Lights?

    Maybe an anemone far into the future, but for right now, just Nemo.
  15. wilks18702

    What Type of Lights?

    Can someone please help me out? I need some guidence as to what type of light is best. I have a 10g tank with two Clowns. They are the only two living things in the tank. My LFS suggested a Marine Glow light, but I found it too dark blue. Any ideas???? Thanks, Tom
  16. wilks18702

    Poor London!

    We will fight violence with hugs and kisses, because after all, they are just misunderstood.
  17. wilks18702

    Poor London!

    "Clinton shot a cruise missle at a training camp in Afganestan and then the Cole that Bush did nothing about....." The Cole bombing happened under Clinton, and so did the first WTC bombing. Its Clinton who did nothing. Its time that the US and its allies put and end to these people. they are a...
  18. wilks18702

    What is there to do in Toronto?

    I think there is a big Theme Park there too.
  19. wilks18702

    Found Turtle, What to do?

    Just reading it was so much fun!!!
  20. wilks18702

    Tank Is Coming TODAY!!!

    Live rock won't hurt!! Check the prices between salt and actuall ocean water. ***** carries something called Real Ocean Water. The company that collects it for them is The Catlina Water Company They collect ocean water from the Pacific ocean, filter it and sell it. I only...