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  1. wilks18702

    Red Algae??

    Snipe, I did the testing last night, and both came back as 0. Do you have any other ideas? Tom
  2. wilks18702

    Tank Is Coming TODAY!!!

    I live in Jersey too, you shoud be concerned about using tap water. How big is the tank? You can buy real ocean water to put in it. Tom
  3. wilks18702

    Ocean Water

    If you don't mind paying for it, ***** has something called Real Ocean Water. The name of the company that makes it, well collects it, is Catalina Water Company. Check em out. Its real ocean water from the Pacific. They collect it, and filter it. I have been using this from...
  4. wilks18702

    Red Algae??

    Snipe, I picked up those two test kits. I will test the water when I get home. I will let you know. Thanks again for all your help!!! Tom
  5. wilks18702

    Red Algae??

    Snipe, Thanks for the info. I will get a test for phosphates and sillicates. The Nitrate is 5PPM If I remember. I tested two days ago. It is the second to the lowest on the color chart. As far as water, I use ocean water. There is a company called the Catalina Water Company that takes real...
  6. wilks18702

    Red Algae??

    "Check how old your bulbs are, see if your tank is in direct sunlight, is your tank over populated?, How mutch do you feed?, What are your params "include phosphates and sillicates", What type of water do you use?, How often do you clean your filters? Do you run carbon if so how long before you...
  7. wilks18702

    Red Algae??

    Snipe, Its really hard to tell what color it is. it looks more red then brown. I have had a few people look at it. some say its red, some say its brown. It comes off pretty easy with the pad side of the scrubber. if it is red what causes it, and what is the best way to kill it. If its brown...
  8. wilks18702

    Red Algae??

    Beth, Not too sure that thats it. Mine does not appear to be stringy. On the glass ot looks like a red or brownish smear. on the bottom it looks like a bunch of specks. Tom
  9. wilks18702

    Red Algae??

    I need some help please. I have either red or brown algae. In either case, how do I get rid of it. It grew on the sides of my tank and on the crushed coral almost over night. Sorry the pic is so blurry, but any help someone can give would be greatly appreaciated. Thanks, Tom
  10. wilks18702

    What Type of Water is Better

    Airforce, She has been to Iraq twice so far, anyway. Its cheap 9 bucks for 5g. ***** carries it.
  11. wilks18702

    What Type of Water is Better

    Airforce, I have a cousin in the AF. Anyway, yes, they take free water and sell it. How stupid are we? :notsure: Its actually very easy, no mixing, everything is always exact.
  12. wilks18702

    What Type of Water is Better

    Bang, I only have a 10g tank. The water comes in 5g containers. Two are easy to transport! Thanks for the info. Tom
  13. wilks18702

    What Type of Water is Better

    The name of the company is The Catalina Water Company. I just called them and they certify that the water comes right out of the pacific ocean. "100% Real Ocean Saltwater for Home and Commercial Aquarium Applications" "Catalina Water Company has developed a state-of-the-art filtration system...
  14. wilks18702

    What Type of Water is Better

    Is it best to mix fresh water with salt or use actuall Ocean water that is available from my LFS, and what are the pros and cons to each? Tom
  15. wilks18702


    I need a bit of help, please. My new tank was on the verge of cycling, Ammonia was just about 0, Nitrite was on its way down, and Nitrate was on its way up. The following day I took another test and low and behold Everything was 0, even the Nitrate. How can this happen? Now a few more days go...
  16. wilks18702

    Stupid Questions

    Jedi, Thanks again for the input. I'm gonna give the fish to a friend to "borrow" for a bit until the tank is done cycleing. Lets hope the Yankees do better this year!!!!!! Tom
  17. wilks18702

    Stupid Questions

    Jedi, Thanks again for the advice. I have a 4 y/o that does nto want to hear that he has to wait 8 weeks to find Nemo, thanks Disney :-) The test kit I have is the correct type acording to the amquel bottle to be able to read the correct ammonia level even after the amquel is added. Apprently...
  18. wilks18702

    Has it Cycled

    Yes there was, but it is now just about 0.
  19. wilks18702

    Has it Cycled

    A friend of mine who has also just started a salt tank is seeing the following readings: PH of 8(which he knows is low) Nitrite of 0, Nitrate of about 20, and Ammonia of .25. Would it be correct to assume that his tank has cycled? Tom
  20. wilks18702

    First water change help and clown help please.

    Ant, Not too sure about the water question, just got a tank myself, however, I bought my two clowns for 15.00 bucks each. Tom