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  1. wilks18702

    Stupid Questions

    Train, This is something new its called Amquel Plus. Cowpoke, Thanks for the advice. At what levels should I really start to be concerened? Thanks, Tom
  2. wilks18702

    Stupid Questions

    Jedi, Thanks for the info. How much is too much when it comes to Ammonia and Nitrite. I realize that 0 is best, but what can it go up to before death is imminent? Would you recommend that I use the Amquel to at least save the fish if the readings get too high? I lied to you, sorry. I just looked...
  3. wilks18702

    Stupid Questions

    I have a new 10G tank with 10lbs of live sand, and a biowheel filter. The fish (2 small Clowns) have been in for just over a week. I'm starting to see an ammonia and nitrite spike. PH is about 8.3 and nitrate is just about 0. I understand the cycle and what is going to happen. However, I picked...