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  1. shortblondern

    90 gallon ?

    I found it sold separarately, but the plumbing was such that it can only be hooked up to holes in the bottom... the lfs said they would drill the holes in the side for me and replace the tank if they broke it... I think I should get that in writing! I just am afraid of the glass breaking because...
  2. shortblondern

    90 gallon ?

    see that's the problem, I bought it off of a friend of the family that had freshwater fish in it... so I can't return it :(
  3. shortblondern

    90 gallon ?

    I'm setting up a 90 gallon and I'm not sure what to do here... I want a megaflow overflow system with a sump, but a guy at the lfs just told me I can't drill holes in the bottom of the tank because it's tempered what do I do? He said drill them in the back of the tank, but where and...
  4. shortblondern

    CL protein skimmer?

    anyone have a Catfish Lighting redfish 100 protein skimmer? Is it any good?
  5. shortblondern

    anyone from the Pittsburgh PA area?

    I can't seem to find a good LFS, any suggestions? :notsure: The 3 around my place have a crummy selection and most of the fish are sick...
  6. shortblondern

    VERY SERIOUS QUESTION! buying fish online?

    I am so glad you asked this question because I was wondering the same thing. I went to a local store tonight and all their specimens looked AWFUL! the majority of the fish had ich or other funguses, so I will purchase my first shipment of fish from this website. I would love to see more people's...
  7. shortblondern

    filter/pump/sump ?

    I just mean enough circulation in the tank to keep everything healthy :)
  8. shortblondern

    GPH turnover

    phishface... I'm from the 'burgh :) where do you get your supplies and fish? I haven't really had good luck with the places I've been around here lately...
  9. shortblondern

    filter/pump/sump ?

    I'm getting a 90 gallon tank and stand setup that someone used for freshwater fish for 300 bucks with all the supplies included. I want to convert it to a reef tank. I have had freshwater tanks and 1 30 gallon saltwater (fish only) tank, so I'm not new to the whole fish hobby:) However, I could...
  10. shortblondern

    New Aquarium - Cycling Question

    raw shrimp? I saw someone else say something about shrimp...what does it do?
  11. shortblondern

    90 gallon reef tell me what you think

    will I have to have a chiller? What is it's function specifically in the tank?I'm getting a new 90...
  12. shortblondern

    YAY!!! Gettin' a new 90 gallon!

    Ok, so how about a filter. What do you all use? I really liked my eclipse tank... should I get a sump or use other filtration?
  13. shortblondern

    YAY!!! Gettin' a new 90 gallon!

    I will when I get it!!! Next weekend it will be here :) haha its like I'm bringing home a new baby, I'm excited and it will be hard work, long term and expensive! How deep is ideal?
  14. shortblondern

    YAY!!! Gettin' a new 90 gallon!

    I was just wondering if anyone would like to give me advice. I am getting my first large fish tank next week, and it was a freshwater. I am emptying it and converting it into (I think) a reef tank. I have had fish tanks for 5 years now, including a 30 gallon saltwater. I had to get rid of them...