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  1. bamacj5

    Snails ?

    the snails are gone, funny thing when i opened the top they started migrating that way, the thought of waking up with a snail on my head gives me the willies
  2. bamacj5


    the two fish with him have been with him since he went into my brothers tank, dont know what kind of wrasse its green/blue with red/orange marks on its face, the other two fish are a black and white humbug and some yellow fish, tank is LS and currently DR, i wasnt ready for fish but my brother...
  3. bamacj5


    ive aquired a wrasse from my brother, it hides in the rocks all day and i even thought it was dead, it had covered itself up with sand, is this normal behavior
  4. bamacj5

    Snails ?

    yeah im gonna take them out , id rather not have them and know where they are at then have them and not, i got three other snails that a book says a star snails they seem pretty dosile, just hang out on the rocks
  5. bamacj5

    Snails ?

    first pic is it, tank is covered pretty well thanks for the help
  6. bamacj5

    I was attacked this morning.

    How gay is that?! no girls in the scubba class, if a girl in a wet suit walked into one of my colledge classes we would have beat eachother with baseball bats to talk to her, sorry to hear about this
  7. bamacj5

    Snails ?

    the body is black and the shell is either black or dark brown with flecks of silver or white, i read about the nerite bieng intertidal, but i figure they wont get far across the carpet
  8. bamacj5

    Hydor Koralia 2 Question!

    they have a chart on thier web page to show what pump for what tank
  9. bamacj5

    Snails ?

    i just purchased some snails from LFS, got them use to the water and put them in, 90% of them headed strait for the top they stoped at the water line, just wondering are they known to leave the tank?
  10. bamacj5

    Pump Question

    say you got a pump the has a certain amount of flow can you use a ball valve to control that flow to meet you needs with out damaging the pump
  11. bamacj5

    Hydor Koralia 2 Question!

    i just purchased one today for my 30gal at the LFS limited knowledge here but my fish seem to like it and the flow is more ditrbuted than most other power heads ive seen
  12. bamacj5

    diy overflow!!!!!!!!! check it out!!!!

    the c out of the tank has to be longer than the c in the tank, im not using the vent that most people are, i put a cap on the tube that goes up i guess you would call it a vent drill a small hole in that cap i put a ball valve down were me water exits the overflow, close the ball valve and suck...
  13. bamacj5

    PVC sealer?

    oatey is the brand name ive always used, on plumbing jobs around the house its worked so far in my saltwater tank, im sure there are other brands, just the brand i was raised with
  14. bamacj5

    pc or t5

    this is totaly diy, it seems i can fit more t5 bulbs in my diy hood, can anybody recommend a ballast,thanx for the help jackri
  15. bamacj5

    pc or t5

    wich is better plan on doing myself but cant decide,mh out of question,every body talks about the t5 including LFS but you can get more watts for the space with pc or thats the way it seems to me, need help
  16. bamacj5

    NASCAR fantasy league 2009.

    forgive me ive been in a box called having children for a while what happened to matt kenseths crew chief robby i think was his name
  17. bamacj5

    Obama to Seek New Assault Weapons Ban

    our guns and our religion has saved us from turning into the mindless freaks they got out in hollywood
  18. bamacj5

    An EXTREME test of 'thriftiness'

    im with spanko at the beginning, i just dont shave and when i do i just trim it with an electric and i started shaving my head to save the 15 dollars a month on hair cuts, butwho cares what a mechanic looks like
  19. bamacj5

    Mega-Powerful Nitrate and Phosphate Remover Replaces Skimmer, Refugium, Everything

    i have been studying this closely, i believe im gonna start my tank on this
  20. bamacj5

    diy overflow!!!!!!!!! check it out!!!!

    just completed my pvc overflow, works like a dream no noise at all, now all i need is a pump to send water back