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  1. bamacj5


    i think ill take it out when i break it down and just go with bare bottom
  2. bamacj5


    this has probably been talked about a thousand times, but ive searched and cant find it,how does everyone feel about deep sand beds, mine is at the least 3 inches and at the most 5 inches, tank has been running for over 6 months with nothing more than two fish some hermits and snails, any...
  3. bamacj5

    Black Argonite Is magnetic??????

    speaking on the static electricity thing doesnt electricity move better through water than air and better through saltwater, just a thought seems like ive heard it some where
  4. bamacj5

    My 29 gallon mixed reef

    Nice tank,i would like to know what kind of filtration you are running, and on your profile you list that you have a emporer modified hob fuge what do you mean by this, again very nice tank and i hope someday my 29 will look like this
  5. bamacj5

    You Hunters Should Be Ashamed Of Yourselves!!!

    whats funny about the seakittin thing is that PETA is a world wide organizationand they only got 7200 signitures on the petition
  6. bamacj5


    thanx for the info i remember when i was a kid the land hermits we use to keep would last about 2 years, thankyou everyone for the help
  7. bamacj5


    good possibility, come to think of it they didnt have the rear body section that the dead one did, i guess molting is the only possibility, two crabs in a shell, im sure it has happened but i inspected each crab before i bought, thats the only rule ive stuck to is checking every thing befor i...
  8. bamacj5


    i purchased 10 hermits about two weeks ago, they have been doing fine they eat all the algea and any food that hits the sand , about two days ago one was pulled out of his shell or climbed out for what ever reason and died, i removed him but left his shell, there are other shells in the tank for...
  9. bamacj5

    Can Someone help out with drum brakes??

    drums are kinda an oddity in the buisness these days especially working for acura, so its been a while this way always served me well and im not talking about feeling it drag im talking about hearing it dragwith the wheel spining free off the ground, but like i said there are other ways
  10. bamacj5

    Can Someone help out with drum brakes??

    I was always tought that you adjusted then till you heard them drag,this is the way I did my beetle,always worked prety well,been doing it for ten years in the buisness,not saying this is the only way,and It doesn't explane your problem, it's like fixing a car on the phone hard to do when you...
  11. bamacj5

    Global warming is killing people

    I believe in hammers, they do what i make them do, and the rest of the time they just lay there, thinking the hammer smashed your finger is like thinking guns kill people, if you dont understand this i cant help you, And speaking on global warming, one of these days we are all gonna stand...
  12. bamacj5

    Global warming is killing people

    they have been screaming for years that it was thinning, but now they are saying they cant accuratly measure it, is this the same plot as changing "global warming" to "climate change" after they decided it was actually colder this year
  13. bamacj5

    Rock Question

    While building my tank i would like to leave as much space as possible in the front, can i stack my rock against the back of the tank(of course securly to prevent land slide) with out causing any problems like stress on the glass, cleaning or any other forseeable problems
  14. bamacj5


    It came out today for the morning feeding stayed out for about ten minutes and havnt seen it again not even for feeding, it looked healthy, no loss of color, must be shy
  15. bamacj5

    Coraline Alge

    lord only knows, lighting is cheap right now
  16. bamacj5

    Coraline Alge

    This is probably a tired question, thats why i put it here, how do you get coraline alge to grow,any help would be appreciated
  17. bamacj5

    Plymouth Cuda

    My favorite car is one i dont have to work on.
  18. bamacj5

    Any UFC fans out there?

    IMO the best fights are on WEC i had heard they were owned by the same as UFC i grew up with boxing and it got lame, i enjoy the MMA but im afriad in the end it will end up with to many rules, its just now really hitting the main stream
  19. bamacj5


    lunare wrasse acording to saltwaterfish, i saw him moving around when i rolled over about 2 this morning, thanks for the help
  20. bamacj5

    Any UFC fans out there?

    im with kingsmith just wait till it comes on spike,and then listen to my wife talk about the fact that its just two guys beating eachother, for real fight fans ufc is not the only one out there,just the most telivised, wec has some really good fighers, there are others, theres talk of a heavy...