I was attacked this morning.


Active Member
Originally Posted by JDL
if he wanted you dead, you would be dead. You may be completely innocent then yes the batter is a horrible person. But you may have sold his 5 year old son crack telling him it was candy, then you deserve what happened. Like i said, i cant pass judgement on you or him until the full story is told, which i doubt will ever happen. Good luck in your journey.
This is pretty inappropriate. There is no reason to believe that the OP is anything other than a victim of a heinous and cowardly crime. It's fine to be curous about the motive but there's no reason to be disrespectful or suspicious of her.

These types of suspicions are why it is often difficult for victims of crimes to come forward... especially when the crimes may be of a personal, intimate nature.


Originally Posted by JDL
get banned because i am not gooing all over you like everyone else? Sorry, but your story seems lacking and there seems more to it which you arent telling.
I find it hard to believe someone randomly picked you to lay out with a baseball bat in daylight for no reason. You or your BF did something to someone at some point.
You don't know me. We did not. I wish no good luck to you, nor do I want people to feel sorry for me and "goo" on me.


Active Member
Hey mods... what did I do??? I was trying to be nice.

As usual, let's all persecute crimzy... was that the topic of discussion at the last mod meeting?


Active Member
A few months ago someone gave me a hard time for installing security cameras on my home. This is a perfect example of why I chose to do so. In our case it was only car break-ins, but we were afraid that eventually someone would enter our home.
I'm glad to hear that you are ok. It might be time to look into getting your CCW.


Active Member
Nevermind, I see that Santa Barbara County would rather process a murder scene than issue permits. Kommiefornia...


KIKI...I am glad you are ok...for all the SILLY bat questions.... criminals don't take into account a victims --- most of the time (unless it's a --- crime)...who would take a bat to anyone??? Who takes sks rifles to schools and shoots our kids, shoots pastors at church, rapes 90 year old women....PEOPLE ARE SICK AND CRAZY....


It coulda been some dumb (donkey nickname here) gang initiation. They have stupid crap like that against females.
I'm glad your OK as well... That totally sucks.


Well-Known Member
Here is my first line of defense. I don't even lock my doors at night.
He wont accidently shoot the wrong person, and he is good company too.


I have a 410, a hidden 22 short shot pistol (??), a 22 automatic rifle, and my husband has a sks pistol...these are just in the bedroom...SO I DARE YOU...LOL


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
I have a 410, a hidden 22 short shot pistol (??), a 22 automatic rifle, and my husband has a sks pistol...these are just in the bedroom...SO I DARE YOU...LOL
You have loaded guns just sitting around in your bedroom? I hope they're unloaded in a case haha.


NOW what good would they do me then...uh excuse me criminal...can you wait until I load my gun

Believe me...they are not in sight...I have no more little kids around, and when the grandkids come...the guns are in a place that they CAN NOT be touched


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
NOW what good would they do me then...uh excuse me criminal...can you wait until I load my gun

Believe me...they are not in sight...I have no more little kids around, and when the grandkids come...the guns are in a place that they CAN NOT be touched
You are a very intelligent person, so I trust your judgment lol.

eric b 125

courtney, i'm sorry to hear what you had to go through this morning, and i'm glad you're okay!


Active Member
Sorry to hear this. Hope you feel better. Think really hard and don't discount your scuba class. Very few crimes like that are random. I would guess you were targeted for some reason.


How gay is that?! no girls in the scubba class, if a girl in a wet suit walked into one of my colledge classes we would have beat eachother with baseball bats to talk to her, sorry to hear about this

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by Flower
Darthtang AW,
Are you on medication? I hope you can blame medication for your being so rude and callous.
kikithemermaid could have been killed or injured for life. Sometimes it just isn't appropriate to make a joke. Witt is a sociel skill, you need to learn its proper application.

Originally Posted by JerryAtrick

Yeah she got the ID on the bat and the police are now pulling records for everyone who has purchased that type of bat. What a goofball question.
I think you might want to bring the spike hairdo back. You might catch more.
For those of you that can't find humor in any situation, I know a good surgeon.
I made sure to express my feelings that she was OK. Also, she was not maimed or killed, as obviously she was posting on here a few hours from the attack. The paramedics obviously looked at her and cleared her. Therefore to calm fears that must be running rampant in her mind, joking is the appropriate thing to do.
Everyone is going to give her the typical OMG!, Glad you are ok, hope you feel better, but very few will try to take a bad incident and turn it into something funny to ease her fears. Had she been hospitalized....THEN it would have been inappropriate.