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  1. longx412

    Help about ICH

    Ok i'll decided to do hyposalinity. Something about keeping the salinity at 1.010? or PPT at 14? I will get started when i'm sure this is the right thing that i'm doing. I will do this at a seperate 20 gallon tank. Can I just use a heater and a air pump for the hospital tank?
  2. longx412

    Help about ICH

    I have a 60 gallon tank. Running for about 1 1/2 month already So far I have about 60 lb of LR and 50 Lb or LS. Fish in the tank: 2 clown fish 2 blue tang. Mandarin Goby 2 firefish. Inverts: 2 cleaner shrimp peppermint shrimp emerald crabs. snails / hermits Both my blue tang had ich a few days...
  3. longx412

    are horseshoe crabs good or bad for fish only tank?

    Hey I just got 3 horseshoe crabs. I think they are Ok. But I'm just a beginner to this great hobby. I got my tank set up a month now. I got a peppermint shrimp at first also and didn't see him like a week later. They seem to hide a lot but I'm pretty sure yours is still in there. A coral...
  4. longx412

    60 gallon tank need some help.

    well i bought 8. then 1 later. For me I thought 10 would be good to cycle the water with. That was just my guess. I guess 3 or 4 is good enough. I will spare some to my friends. I kinda like them if you ask me. But a really pain in the butt to catch.
  5. longx412

    60 gallon tank need some help.

    Ok here it is after 2 weeks. 8.2 PH .50 Ammonia 2.0 Nitrite 20 nitrate Think I should remove some of my damsels before things go bad.?
  6. longx412

    60 gallon tank need some help.

    Thank you everyone for replyin and sharing some good info. Yeah I thought 9 damsels were a lot. But I'm kinda attach to them. They are cool. Yeah I will take back some damsels. Probably will give it to my friend who might need them. Well for now they look healthy, active, and I even notice...
  7. longx412

    60 gallon tank need some help.

    Hi I'm new to this hobby. Started up my 60 gallon salt water 2 weeks ago. My salinity is 1.023 I bought a fluval 304, rio powerheads, 48" DBL AQUALIGHT. In the tank right now I got 9 damsels, couple of blue legs, turbo snails, and peppermint shrimp. Also have 50lb LS and 22lb LR. I was...