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  1. longx412

    ? on my clown and anemony

    Here is my email. I can ship it. Give me an email and I will send you pics and give you more info on the boa.
  2. longx412

    ? on my clown and anemony

    Hey I was wondering if your interested in buying a peruvian redtail boa. It was born last yrs. PM me for more info.
  3. longx412

    Black Clown

    Funny I did the same. Not suppose to mix clown fish. I need to seperate them soon before my false get killed!! You should do the same.
  4. longx412

    I have an interesting question.

    Well if you see bubbles on your skin... You know what to do!!!
  5. longx412

    tips for catching fish in my tank full of rock

    For me I just yelled at the damsel. " DAMN get in the freaking net now." Worked for me one time...
  6. longx412

    OMG I just got some dwarf seahorses!

    Its not that great but hope you can see the dwarf seahorses. You can see two of them next to my GREEN heater on the right side. See two yellow things by the green plant ON TOP.. Those are it. And the seahorses on the bottom is the regular one.
  7. longx412

    OMG I just got some dwarf seahorses!

    I'm hatching brine shrimp eggs right now. It should hatch soon. I wasn't prepare and didn't realize they already shipped them out to me. They are so small that they can only eat BABY brine shrimps. But I like these seahorses way better because they swim around a lot and its interesting.
  8. longx412

    OMG I just got some dwarf seahorses!

    How many dwarf seahorses do you have? How many did you start off with? And also how small is your tank. Right now I housing them at a 4 1/2 gallon nano tank. I might have to seperate the TWO normal size seahorses by tomorrow. I am concern that the babies will be lunch for them. I have a...
  9. longx412

    thanks for the info

    Yeah I know that I have to hatch brine shrimp everyday. The only reason why I didn't hatch them because I expected it on Sat. I went out of the city today and my brother called me and told me that the seahorses arrived. Just got back few hours ago and I didn't have any baby brine shrimp ready.
  10. longx412

    OMG I just got some dwarf seahorses!

    I just sat the water bag in there for thirty minutes. Did the water procedure. The pregnant male sank to the bottom and was breathing hard. I thought he might of been in shock or something. But 5 mins later he start swimming and wiggling and out goes a baby. Size of his stomach I think he...
  11. longx412

    OMG I just got some dwarf seahorses!

    Just wanted to share with you guys that I just received 5 dwarf seahorses by male. And geez talk about dwarf... The are sooo small and active. I LOVE THEM... I also have two other bigger seahorses that I bought at a local fish store. Will these guys get along with each other? I got one...
  12. longx412

    New herd of ponies arrived today....

    I was wondering where did you get them? Send me an email at THanks
  13. longx412


    Anyone wants my cc starfish? I will give it to them all you have to do is pay for shipping. OR if your near San Francisco, Ca you can come pick it up. I really like this starfish because they move around a lot and fun to watch.
  14. longx412

    Chocolate chip starfish!!

    My chocolate star eat some chunk of my Ricordea corals. Should I take him out of my tank?? Are they bad for reef tank? It says reef safe. What do you guys think?
  15. longx412

    Question about aqualight.

    Yeah I turn them off when my 10K goes on. I made it clear to the fish store guy if I should turn both on at the same time? Ok I guess I've been doing this all wrong for the past month. OUCH on me. So my clams won't be too happy with my light?
  16. longx412

    Question about aqualight.

    I have a 48" aqualight double stripe. My question is how long should I set it up for? Tank is been set up for just a lil over 2 months. I have 2 clams, and 4 other type of easy to take care of corals/mushroom. Before I used to turn them on for about 7 hours. 1 hour of the actinic and then...
  17. longx412

    ft maxima and crocea clam bay area

    Where are you located. Interested in trading.
  18. longx412

    About emerald crabs and flame scallops.

    My lawnmover blenny was breathing hard for few days now. Then he was missing. He wasn't in his cave that he usually hang out in. This morning I saw my emerald crab munching on something white and big. Oh o lost my benny, poor guy. My question is.... should I keep my emerald crabs? I think...
  19. longx412

    More rock question

    Yes you can. One way to cycle your tank is putting in Live rock. Shouldn't be a problem at all. Good luck!!
  20. longx412

    Catching a Damsel

    This morning I wanted to catch my 2 blue tangs out of the tank. Reason was becausing they are infected with ich. I also have 3 damsels in my 60 gallon w/ about 60 lb of LR. I wanted to get rid of one of my damsels so I tried to catch him. The blue tang was a pain because they know whats...