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  1. 30gal4fish

    Coral dying

    when shoul i add coral any good books that you recommend in fact the coral was xenia about the light, i really dont know how to tell, it came w/ the tank, i trun the bulb around to see what kind was it, and there is no info on the bulb. i wish i could tell you more, but i am ignorant at the...
  2. 30gal4fish

    Coral dying

    the tank is from august 3. alk test, dont have no algea problem i dont know the name of the coral how do i raise my salinity? no power heads or skimmer o nitrate o nitrite o ammonia 8.0 ph
  3. 30gal4fish

    Coral dying

    I have a 30 gal, 4 damssels, 5 turbo snails and 1 fire shrimp, 50 lb live rock, bio wheel 350. i bought a rock that had soft coral (several of them were attached), after 5 days one of them start looking pale, and the next couple of days started dissapearing. i turn on the light of the tank for...
  4. 30gal4fish

    is calcium iodine and strontium necesary for live coral

    and how much is a lot of corals in a 29 gal tank with 50lb live rock thank you
  5. 30gal4fish

    is calcium iodine and strontium necesary for live coral

    i went to the store and told the guy that i was going to add coral to my 30 gal tank already set for a month with live rock and 4 damssels. the water quality is almost perfect. i have 1 fire shrimp and 5 turbo snails. I have the tank with a 350 bio wheel (magnun). adding cycle once a week. well...
  6. 30gal4fish

    Restarting tank 8 (

    well the tank was running for 1 month when i put the blue and yellow tang with the clown fish and the flame, after the 2 month they got ich and it kill 2, the other two i killed for not reading i guess. after i restarted and put the 5 damsels, one of them die the next day (august 4th), then the...
  7. 30gal4fish

    Restarting tank 8 (

    On August 3rd I restarted my tank. all my fish die of ich and the amonia levels were out of the chart. So i empty the tank, put new water put 5 dammsels, one die after the 2nd day. now the tank is running smoothly and the water quality is great. ive being adding cycle. i have a magnun 350, 50lb...
  8. 30gal4fish

    ich attack (again)

    i started my tank on Aug 3. i started putting cycle and prime. today i see a lot of ich swimming around the tank. I bought 5 dammsels and now i have 4. the ich is all over my fish. The reason i started was because i used to have other more expensive fish and i took them and place them in a 10...
  9. 30gal4fish

    nitrite nitrate and amonia info (WAO)

    this website explain in detail the nitrogen cycle, if you are new to this, it will be a good idea to read it http://IllegalLink
  10. 30gal4fish

    nitrite and nitrate very high

    for invertebrates, future corals, and fish?
  11. 30gal4fish

    nitrite and nitrate very high

    the 30 gal one, after everything is 0 of course
  12. 30gal4fish

    nitrite and nitrate very high

    30 gal tank, it used to have fish, but they are in a qt for the conditions of the water, i also have two shrimps, 50 lb live rock. Magnun 350 bio filter, termometer at 82 degrees and treating the tank with cycle (started the first dose yesterday) i know the nitrite and nitrate are part of the...
  13. 30gal4fish

    can I leave my 30 gal tank temp at 82º

    i have a yellow tang, a flame angel, soft and hard coral, and 2 shrimps. I was wondering if they can adapt to that temperature. i did this for 3 days straight and i everything look normal. any advise?
  14. 30gal4fish

    fish color change at night

    ive been seen my fish change color from good color to pale, when i turn the light on, it takes like 3 -4 min to change to good color again? ive presence the change, is the normal? sometimes i think they are sick but they change back, i will try to take pictures my yello tang, his stomach looks...
  15. 30gal4fish

    hyposalinity on yellow tang and flame angel

    i am trying this hyposalinity on a QT tank of 10 gal these fish because they have ich. 2 of my other fish died of ich, one i kill by accident to much salt on the water. the other one(blue tang was super ichy, i guess he couldnt fight it) my original tank is 30 gal and i have 2 shrimps, the bio...
  16. 30gal4fish

    30 gal tank

    i have a yellow tang and a flame fish, also fire shrimp, and banded shrimp. I had ich on the tank and my blue tang died. My clown fish just died when i put it in a 10 gal QT with quick cure. I put 8.8 gal of salt water and i did not check for salinity, so i assumed is was ok because it came from...
  17. 30gal4fish

    medication Quick cure

    how long does it take to biodegrade the quick care medecine from a 10 gal tank if no fish just the filter is running?
  18. 30gal4fish

    trying to cure fish, then it dies

    ok, this is the second time i use this quick cure medicine. And in both cases i put less than the amount recommended just in case not to overdose, and my clown fish just die. it seemed he didnt get air in the tank. it was a 10 gal tank with a air pum a filter and nothing on it, just the medecine...