Search results

  1. 30gal4fish

    hypo on 1 gal tanks

    i am doing the hype indicated in this page for 10 days. any ideas. got a yellow tang and flame. the clown is doing good on this, this is his first day.
  2. 30gal4fish

    Hyposalinity Question

    i have a 30 gal tank would this work with invertebrates?
  3. 30gal4fish

    2nd fish dead, ICH i hate it

    2 more to go. i heard about Cupramine to treat the tank while getting the invertebrates out. any ideas on this medicine. i think it will be easer for me to remove the invertebrates than the fish. also, how long do i need to do this, and after how many days can i put the invertebrates in, without...
  4. 30gal4fish

    Blue tang ich (just at night)

    i have a couple o questions. should i use other methods to kill the ich or just stick to the ecolibrium for 2 weeks like the label says? if i deside to isolate the fish can i put them together in a different tank? how big can the Q tank needs to be? What medicine has work for all of you, and for...
  5. 30gal4fish

    Blue tang ich (just at night)

    i don think i can change my login now, so ill tell you the bad news, the fish die this morning. Time of death 4:34am. oh well. i will take your advise and return my other tang so he does not run in with the same luck. thanks a lot ppl. this website is great.
  6. 30gal4fish

    Blue tang ich (just at night)

    i have a 30 gal tank blue tang yellow tang angel flame clown 2 cleaner shrimps 50 lb of live rock magnum 350 bio filter. change water today after 2 days of ich attack, my filter was super dirty (changed too) the test for amonia and everything else is good. The concern is my blue tang, all the...