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  1. marinenut

    Copper treatment with UV and protein skimmer?

    I've done a search on this, but couldn't come up with anything. I was wondering if I should keep my UV sterilizer on or off while I'm doing a copper treatment? I've heard that I need to keep the protein skimmer off, because it will cause a toxic copper concentration to build. I'm using Mardel...
  2. marinenut

    Plumbing on my 125 ...what a nightmare

    when I did some plumbing work on my chiller, it took 24 hours for the silicone to dry completely. I would suggest waiting at least until then. Otherwise the water may wash some away and you'll end up with a leak.
  3. marinenut

    Aggressive King Angel

    good thoughts. Thanks.
  4. marinenut

    Aggressive King Angel

    On another note, how do you think a large Clown Trigger would fair against the passer?
  5. marinenut

    Aggressive King Angel

    Yeah, the passer shows a little aggression toward the other tank mates, but it's nothing abnormal. The difference is that he's actually harrassing the clown.
  6. marinenut

    Aggressive King Angel

    Bummer. That's not what I was hoping to hear. I'll give it a few days and see if it gets any better.
  7. marinenut

    Aggressive King Angel

    I'm looking for some opinions about this. I currently have a 125 gallon fowlr setup. I have a 6" Yellow Tang, a 4" Powder Blue Tang, a 4-5" King Angel, a 2" Domino Damsel, and a 3" Diamond Watchman Gobie, and some shrimp. I just added a 3" Tomato Clown yesterday and my King Angel is just...
  8. marinenut

    quarantine fish

    Pro, If the parameters are the same then no worries. I tend to be a freak and very paranoid, so I typically do a short acclimation with a bucket, but nothing like when you buy a new fish. Acclimation can NEVER hurt.
  9. marinenut

    Powder Blue Tang killed damsel maybe?

    Willie, I've been in the "business" for a while and have experienced a lot of disease issues. It's definitely ich, no question about it. The positive side of it is that all fish are actively eating and very interested in they're environment. A good sign. One more water change to go to reach...
  10. marinenut

    Powder Blue Tang killed damsel maybe?

    No prob. Hopefully everything goes well. Time will tell I guess.
  11. marinenut

    Powder Blue Tang killed damsel maybe?

    No, I had 2 yellow-tailed damsels. I always had one in my main tank. The domino is in the QT still, and probably will stay there. Well, you hit it right on the head. The Powder has ick and so does everyone else in the tank. ???!!!-@-##?. I started hyposalinity and should be at the target...
  12. marinenut

    Powder Blue Tang killed damsel maybe?

    Well, Here's the update. I added the Powder Blue to the main tank the other day. Although my Yellow Tang just about bit his head off when I first introduced him to the tank, they are playing fairly nicely now. They do compete a little bit, but the Powder doesn't take any crap from the Yellow...
  13. marinenut

    Powder Blue Tang killed damsel maybe?

    well, thanks for the input. Yes, the 40Gal is a QT, and he will be going in my 125g. I do have a yellow tang in there now and a couple of clowns. We'll see, I guess. The yellow and the powder are about the same size. The powder gets along fine with the domino in the QT right now. Not even...
  14. marinenut

    Stores vs. Online

    I've actually never ordered online before, but I plan to purchase an Emperor Angel from SWF soon. My LFS has actually been pretty good. It pays to get to know the management at a store you trust. After going regularly they have gotten to know me and give me some pretty heafty discounts now...
  15. marinenut

    Powder Blue Tang killed damsel maybe?

    I was wondering if anyone as ever seen a Powder Blue Tang kill another fish. I just picked up a 4" Powder Blue and put him in my 40g QT. It already has a Domino Damsel and a Yellow-Tailed Damsel in there (very small, like an inch each at Max). Yesterday morning I was doing my routine checkup...
  16. marinenut

    New Blue Hippo Tang Not Eating Prepared Foods

    thanks for the replies. Not good news about the stained rock from Stop Parasites. I haven't noticed a color change, but I'm planning to stop treatment tomorrow and add some carbon and do a water change. I'll try the garlic. I've seen that before in the LFS.
  17. marinenut

    New Blue Hippo Tang Not Eating Prepared Foods

    Hello all, I'm new to the forum, so please go easy on me. I have a 125 FOWLR tank with a yellow tang, clarkii clown, 2 small damsels and a diamond gobie. All the fish are fairly small with the yellow tang being the largest, about 4 inches. The tank has been set up for about 2 months now. I...