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  1. marinenut

    iCK HELP Fast please!!!

    Hypo is the best way. It takes at least 5 weeks, but it's the most thorough. Meds are too expensive and have too many side effects. I've used them ALL. Had the best success with Hypo. Patience and salinity monitoring is the key with this though. Keep that puppy just at 1.009 and use a good...
  2. marinenut

    corraline algae-need help growing it

    Purple up is the way to go. You'll notice a difference after a week. Just 1 capful per 50 gallons no more than once a day.
  3. marinenut

    Flow in tank

    I've been trying to figure this out for a while now after battling some algae problems. I have since placed a 650 gph powerhead in my 90 gallon, in addition to my 200gph powerhead on the other side of the tank. Of course the return pump is probably running at 500gph (Rated at 700 before the...
  4. marinenut

    My new 55 gallon....freshly stocked

    LOL. That was good.
  5. marinenut

    Damsels are too smart!!

    I had to rip my whole reef apart to catch my domino. It was a blast.
  6. marinenut

    too much water movement?

    good thoughts by all of you. Perhaps I'll swap out the powerhead I have with something larger, and maybe even an additional one. Thanks.
  7. marinenut

    too much water movement?

    Interesting. I've recently had a slight build-up of brown hair algae, but it appears to be subsiding now. Maybe I'll pick up another powerhead. I can't believe, my post is gong in the complete opposite direction! I've contributed the algae build up to be from a haitian pink tip anemone that...
  8. marinenut

    too much water movement?

    wow, I didn't think that it might be too low! My return is a mag drive 7 at 700gph, and the Rio 600. I'm not having any problems right now. I can't imagine running double the water flow in this 90! It seems like the corals would just blow right over, and the fish and inverts would be...
  9. marinenut

    too much water movement?

    I'm wondering whether or not I have too much water movement in my 90 gallon reef tank. I have my return pipe from my sump on one side and a Rio 600 on ther other. They are pushing water toward one another to create a kind of wave effect. Is this possibly too much? I have some leather...
  10. marinenut

    Copper with Formalin and Protein Skimming

    Thanks Beth. I haven't put in the Formalin with the copper. The fish are actually doing great right now with just coppersafe. No visible parasites. I'll keep them in QT for the full time. I've had great success with hypo in the past, but I was kind of lazy this time around and opted for the...
  11. marinenut

    help!!!! my yellow tang has black ich!!!

    My yellow tang had black Ich about 4 months ago. I tried formalin baths, as well as copper, and it cured it for a week, but then came back. The only thing I've had complete success with is Hyposalinity treatment in a QT tank. I would try that, but for at least 5 weeks, or it won't take IMO.
  12. marinenut

    Copper with Formalin and Protein Skimming

    Thanks. I've heard mixed things about adding copper to formalin. Maybe I'll wait for some more responses, before I definitively decide.
  13. marinenut

    Copper with Formalin and Protein Skimming

    So........ Due to an ICH outbreak, I've recently pulled all the fish out of my reef tank (what a joy that was) and placed them in two separate QT tanks. I've been searching for the answer to this, but I haven't found it. I also have never tried this. My question is this.....I have heard of...
  14. marinenut

    White Pimples on fish

    I have looked and looked and looked for something that looks like this, but haven't found anything. They literally look like white warts that are raised from the skin, but also imbedded in the skin. I saw something on the forum that talked about Brook.....something or other. Could this be...
  15. marinenut

    White Pimples on fish

    Well, I've had a problem taking a picture that comes out clear. I'm no photographer, and fish don't like to stay still. Water parameters are as follows: Nitrates 20, phosphates 1.5, PH 8.2 Hyposalinity treatment with 1.009 I'm just really confused, because I've never seen this disease...
  16. marinenut

    White Pimples on fish

    Ok, so I've been treating my 125 gallon fish only tank with hyposalinity for the past 4 weeks, and have now dealt with a bacterial infection (bleeding) on my Yellow Tang, which is now cured via Maracyn-Two, but my Hippo Tang has all of these white pimple-like things on him, which seem to be...
  17. marinenut

    clown trigger going nuts

  18. marinenut

    clown trigger going nuts

  19. marinenut

    clown trigger going nuts

    I shop at a variety of places, but mainly Little Shop of Pets in Portsmouth. I have purchased a few fish at Sea World Pet Center in Salem. That place is great, but a little pricey. I got my King Angel, Yellow tang, and Clown there. It's a great place for larger fish. I'm actually on my way...
  20. marinenut

    clown trigger going nuts

    I'm not sure what's causing this, but I recently bought a 5-6 inch clown trigger and after every time that I feed him, he flips out and starts to swim back and forth and randomly shakes violently. He'll mainly do this at the back of the tank against the rear glass. This only seems to happen...