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  1. tromano32

    Cycle seems out of whack ammonia 12ppm

    yes sir.. I am using the ammonia test kit by aquarium pharmicuticals (its the brand with doctor wellfish cartoon thing) it says freswater/saltwater.. I just mixed up a batch of saltwater and tested it and reads zero ammo... I am using Jungle brand 5 in one quick dip strips for nitrate...
  2. tromano32

    Diatom Filter safe for saltwater?

    Hi, I have access to a really nice diatom filter that my dad uses on his fresh tank to polish the water.. Would this filter be safe to use on a salt tank from time to time? Thanks let me know
  3. tromano32

    Cycle seems out of whack ammonia 12ppm

    I checked the tap water and it is zero.. I also checked my established fresh tank and it read zero as well... I started noticing high ammo about a week ago.. I thought it was normal so I left it go and then it just seemed getting to out of control.. I just tested the water again and its still...
  4. tromano32

    Cycle seems out of whack ammonia 12ppm

    I will keep an eye on it.. but I just checked it after the 90% water change and the ammo is still about 7ppm... do you think it may also be my live sand? it smelled fine in the bag and was not expired... should I get rid of the live rock for now and put it in a bucket or something... I just...
  5. tromano32

    Cycle seems out of whack ammonia 12ppm

    I cannot test the alkalinity now.. I just did a 90% water change... other threads said that with ammo like 6ppm or high that it even kills the bacteria... I also noticed that tank really did stink when there wasn;t anywater in it.. the filter media really stank too... as for the rock.. I got...
  6. tromano32

    Cycle seems out of whack ammonia 12ppm

    ya i know they died because of the ammonia... i didn't know they were in there at first.. but also didn;t think ammonia would get up to 12ppm... should i do water change?
  7. tromano32

    Cycle seems out of whack ammonia 12ppm

    Hi, I have had my tank running for about 18 days. I was really excited the first few days when I saw some little hermit crabs come out of my live rock and start to nibble on all the newly formed algea.. but now all these little guys are dead and other weird stuff is appearing in my tank dead...
  8. tromano32

    Water Temp Changes

    Thanks for the info.. I will do that and see what happens..
  9. tromano32

    Water Temp Changes

    Hi, I have a fairly new 24g jbj nano cube with 50/50 compact flourecent lighting with cooling fans that is running great. Ok, so at night my water goes down to 78.5F degrees then during the day when I turn on my lights the temp will eventually go up to a max of 81F. Is this safe for my fish? How...