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  1. tromano32

    White Sebae Anemone HELP!!

    here are some pics I took right before it moved into the cave.. the first pic is during the day and the second pic is at night..
  2. tromano32

    White Sebae Anemone HELP!!

    update, I raised my salinity 1.025 I fed the anemone with a syringe, i made a solution of some frozen brine shrimp, some prime reef flake... and i squeezed it into his mouth... he seemed to take it all
  3. tromano32

    White Sebae Anemone HELP!!

    my tanks is constantly at 82... i raised it due to it fluctuating with the lights.. the anemone was at a generic pet shop with really bad lighting.. the anemone looks identicle to the one for sale on this website
  4. tromano32

    White Sebae Anemone HELP!!

    Hi, I just got myself a White Sebae Anemone about a week ago The anemone has a clown fish that has started to attach to it.. Lights ON, the anemone seems to shrink down and at night it fully extends and looks great... It has recently moved into a cave almost upside down. My tank is a jbj 24...
  5. tromano32

    Bonebrake's 24 Gal. JBJ Nano Cube!

    Hi, I have that same cube... what bulbs are you running and for how long? Thanks
  6. tromano32

    BLue Tang SICK

    sorry... didn't even know that section was there.. guess i didn;t scroll down far enough
  7. tromano32

    BLue Tang SICK

    Hi, I have a small blue tang that is starting to get white cottony spots on it... none of my other fish seem to be showing these signs but afraid they will soon... how do i medically treat for this... I have live rock and lots of inverts... I also do not have a quarantine tank to set up.. how...
  8. tromano32

    Cloudy / Hazy Water

  9. tromano32

    Cloudy / Hazy Water

  10. tromano32

    Cloudy / Hazy Water

    Seamless Glass
  11. tromano32

    Cloudy / Hazy Water

    Hi, I have a 24gallon jbj nano cube with 1 yellow tail blue damsel 1 lawnmower blemmy 1 queen conch 1 turbo snail ( size of 50cent peice) 3 small hermit crabs 36lb of aragonite sand (the live wet type from leading pet chain) 12lb of live rock - 72 watts worth of 50/50 10,000k and 420 blue pc...
  12. tromano32

    Full tank shots

    Originally Posted by ScubaGuy Heres mine 35 Gallons 3 Gallon Refrigium 50 pounds LR 3 inches of play sand 1 inch of arganite sand FISH: Three Stripe Damsel Blue Devil Damsel Pink Dotty Back(?) Clown CORAL : Kenya Green Flower Pot Moon Polyps Button Poylps Candy Cane Tubinaria INVERTS : Large...
  13. tromano32

    Who has Modded their Seaclone?

    Hi, I have not modded mine yet, but the tube you cut is the .5 diameter inner tube..... you would have to get inthere with a dremmel rotary tool to cut that .. i think it would give more reaction time, but may introduce more bubles to your tank
  14. tromano32

    Vacation / No Food 7 Days

    Hi, I have a 24gallon nano cube with 1 yellow tail blue damsel 1 lawnmower blemmy 1 queen conch 1 turbo snail ( size of 50cent peice) 3 small hermit crabs I have to go out of town for 7 days... What should I do about feeding besides asking a friend to come over? I don't have very much evap...
  15. tromano32

    SeaClone Modifications 101

  16. tromano32

    Micro Bubbles @ Night?

    Thanks for the info..
  17. tromano32

    Micro Bubbles @ Night?

    Hi, I have a 24 gallon nano cube.. I have this extra power head that is capable of making LOTS of micro bubbles.. Would it be benificial for me to put it on my rear part of the tank and have it fill my tank with micro bubbles at night when my lights are off? or will this create some sort of...
  18. tromano32

    Cycle seems out of whack ammonia 12ppm

    update.. I added a powerhead with lots of bubbles to the tank before I went to bed last night and this morning my ammo has come down slightly and nitrites and nitrates are way up.. so it seems to be working now... The bubbles seemed to help but may just be coincidence.. thanks for the help
  19. tromano32

    Cycle seems out of whack ammonia 12ppm

    sorry.. I was mixed up there.. my nitrates are 20ppm and the nitrites are 0
  20. tromano32

    Cycle seems out of whack ammonia 12ppm

    update ammo is still about 8ppm but i am starting to get nitrate about 20ppm nitrite is still 0ppm