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  1. kinder7668

    clown gone??

    [hr] i have had my true perculas for 6 mos they were together by themselves at the pet store one has disappeared in my tank im nervous it might be dead but my water and everything is good but i was curious if mayb they mated should i look for the fish by moving rocks i dont want to disturb egs...
  2. kinder7668

    the vanishing clownfish

    i have had my true perculas for 6 mos they were together by themselves at the pet store one has disappeared in my tank im nervous it might be dead but my water and everything is good but i was curious if mayb they mated should i look for the fish by moving rocks i dont want to disturb egs if...
  3. kinder7668

    please help! nitrates and diatom out of control

    with the bio balls can i /should i just chuck them and put live rock in its place is this recomended???
  4. kinder7668

    please help! nitrates and diatom out of control

    ive had my tank up and running for about six months everything was going great but my nitrates were always high no mater how many water changes i do i cant fix the problem and now everything in my tank is covered in the brow algea it looks terrible..... have a wet dry and a canister with spong...
  5. kinder7668

    New Fish - CC to LS Switch ? HELP !

    hi i'm no expert but i too made the mistake of getting cc and i recently switched to sand nd all went well....heres how i did it take some water out of your tank into a -gal bucket put a heater and some air in it put your fish in it.....i then emptied about 20 gal of water into 5 gal buckets...
  6. kinder7668

    fish eating different food need feeding help

    have...porcupine puffer=cocktail shrimp/clams bi-color angel = lfs told me to feed spiralina this right because i thought they just had veggie and algee diet please help ... scooter blenny= cyclop-eeze damsels eat any of the above how often and what should i be putting in my tank for...
  7. kinder7668

    live rock turning white???

    tank is 2 mos old i wasn't planing on geting the mandarin for a wile ...rock some is 2 mos some is 3 days old so that would make sense so i assume it will grow back???
  8. kinder7668

    live rock turning white???

    just wondering why my live rock is turning white this bad?? also would a scooter blenny and a mandaren dragonet get along??? will i need mass amounts of pods to keep them both??
  9. kinder7668

    really want to add fish help???

    didnt add them till amonia droped and i dont mind them i just wont buy anything that they can pick on also what are good trate levels 0?
  10. kinder7668

    really want to add fish help???

    tank was cycling nitrate was high and began to drop changed cc to sand nitrite and nitrate rose nitrate will not go away 3 weeks very high 50 ppm nitrite is at 0.05 what is going on here?????need help 65 gal ..wet/dry wth bioballs..also have canister filter tank has crab couple of damsels and...
  11. kinder7668

    nitrate problems

    only have about 18lb of live rock
  12. kinder7668

    nitrate problems

    i have a 65 gal i have a wet dry and a canister filter .. living in the tank i have 2 damsels and some austria snails and a blue leg hermit the damsels have been goin srong from the begining and the snails and hermit about a month now have had no casualties
  13. kinder7668

    nitrate problems

    hello i am having nitrate problems and any help i can get will be greatly tank is fairly new i started with crushed coral got most of the way through my nitrogen cycle my nitrates were staring to fall and i decided that i wanted to have sand as my substrate i changed all my cc...
  14. kinder7668

    Need Emergency Help Fish Depend On It

    nitrite looks good....amonia and nitrate 0 look good
  15. kinder7668

    Need Emergency Help Fish Depend On It

    Ill Check The Levels Now
  16. kinder7668

    Need Emergency Help Fish Depend On It

    Ah That Put Me A Litle At Ease I Was Told The Change Wouldnt Be That Bad And Hopefully The Water Clears Up Soon Thank You For The Hep
  17. kinder7668

    Need Emergency Help Fish Depend On It

    Would They Be Better Off In The Cloudy Tank??
  18. kinder7668

    Need Emergency Help Fish Depend On It

    3 Damsels And A Porcupine Puffer
  19. kinder7668

    Need Emergency Help Fish Depend On It

    Just Changed From Cc To Live Sand Put Fish In 5 Gal Bucket With Heater Air And Piece Of Live Rock Tank Water Extreamely Cloudy Right Now How Long Can I Keep Fish In 5 Gal???
  20. kinder7668

    Will My Fish Be Ok ????

    ok my substrate is cc in my 65 gal tank ..making a change bought some live sand and some carib sea aragonite ...tank cycled a couple of weeks ago i have a porcupine puffer/scooter blenny/blue leg hermit/blue chromi/domino damsel/ and another damsel in my tank plan was to pull a syphon...