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  1. kinder7668

    Scooter Blenny questions

    had mine in new tank for 2 weeks going strong loves mysis and will eat brine too cool fish my favorite ...lfs told me the exact same thing ....don't freak yet try the mysis
  2. kinder7668

    nd lighting help

    have 65 gal just bought 2 21" 65 watt compact flourecent actinic bulbs is this enought for reef or do i need 2 more? light is blue and seems really dim in my tank is this normal
  3. kinder7668

    Is Water Change And Vaccum Ok Now?????

    Have Cc Tank Just Cyled But Nitrite Though It Droped Considerably Is Still Not 0 Can I Do Water Change And Vaccum The Cc Even Though My Tank Just Cyled???plese Help Question Was Not Answered On Last Thread
  4. kinder7668

    Tank Cycled! Please Help

    I Was Told If I Stay Ontop Of Keeping It Clean Than My Nitrites Would Be Fine I Prefer Not To Change It But Do You Think It Would Be Ok To Do A Water Change Now Because My Tank Just Cycled
  5. kinder7668

    Tank Cycled! Please Help

    Ok My Tank Cycled My Nitrate And Ammonia Droped To Zero But My Nitrite Is Not At 0 It Is Slightly Higher But It Has Droped Significantly I Have A C.c. Bottom So I Expected The Nitrite To Be Up A Little Bit...also My Ph Is Only 8.0 My Question Is Should I Do My Water Change Right Away...
  6. kinder7668

    Lighting And Flow Question Please Help!

    Have 65 Gal Tank Dimensions Are L36xw18xh24 1/2 Tank Is Fo At The Moment But Want To Do A Reef Tank What Lighting Is The Best Bet And Should I Have Moon Lighting As Well And What Type Of Schedule Should I Put Them On ......also What Size Power Head Should I Get For Flow I Don't Have One Right...
  7. kinder7668

    crab ate the snail

    i put in 5 he ate the closest one to him and hasnt seeked out any others
  8. kinder7668

    crab ate the snail

    here he is
  9. kinder7668

    crab ate the snail

    ive looked at pics of blue leg hermits and it doesnt look the same if i send pic mayb you will beable to identify it
  10. kinder7668

    crab ate the snail

    blue knee hermit is what the store said
  11. kinder7668

    crab ate the snail

    i thought you could put crabs and snails together i mean for a clean up crew i just added the snails and the crab ate one in about 1 min whats the deal??
  12. kinder7668


    thanks alot for helping but i have a crab and a few snails and a couple of damsels can i leave them in while i go through tis process do you think this will make my tank have to cycle again or do you think it will be the same
  13. kinder7668


    hello im new so be easy on me but i keep coming up with so many questions and this site seems to be the only place i can get good answers to them.... 1)tank is 4 weeks in nitrites are high ammonia just droped out today...but my ph wich has been good all along is now down to 8.0 do i wait till...
  14. kinder7668

    please identify my goby!!

    ok thanks alot
  15. kinder7668

    please identify my goby!!

    will my fish eat the mysis too should i just substitute the brine all together??
  16. kinder7668

    please identify my goby!!

    65 gal i only have a small amount of lr right now like 15lb
  17. kinder7668

    please identify my goby!!

    im workin on it thought i got pics in but they were to large so bare with me wile i try to get the in thanks
  18. kinder7668

    please identify my goby!!

    recently bought this goby guy at lfs told me he would be ok on cc beacause i do not have sand when he went to ring im in he could not identify the fish and didn't know what type of goby it was nevertheless being stupid i bought the goby knowing nothing about it have had it for 3 days seems to be...
  19. kinder7668

    clean up crew

    ok thanks for the help i think i will start with the hermits and go from there my lfs guy showed me a type of goby and recomended him but like you said $2 and $20 are a big diff.
  20. kinder7668

    clean up crew

    i was wondering what type of clean up crew to go with if i have crushed coral instead of sand ..and are some gobies ok for crushed coral...i was told cleaner shrimp and blue knee crab at my lfs just wanted to check