Search results

  1. zeldanlink

    FOX Coral Not Opening

    I have had a fox coral for about 4 weeks. At the LFS it was rather robust and very healthy looking with no tissue recession. I originally placed it high in the tank with moderate current. It did not open at all. I then moved it about 2 weeks ago to about midway in the tank and lower current...
  2. zeldanlink

    Fish, Corals, and Critters MUST GO!

    I would like: 15 head candy cane colony - $25 medium leather - $20 Green Star Polyps - $20 2 giant mushrooms (each about 6 inches in diameter) $20 Please email me for more info at Thanks
  3. zeldanlink

    For Sale

    NEED a price :cheer:
  4. zeldanlink

    For Sale

    How much for the whole setup? I live in MN. Where are you located? If you give me a price and some photo's perhaps we can make a deal :)
  5. zeldanlink

    My Nitrates!!

    It is possible to overfeed your corals - perhaps cut back on their supplements:)
  6. zeldanlink

    Should I get a different filter???

    I have almost the same exact setup as yours only I have corals and anem's in my tank and less fish. I have a little more live rock and all I can say is that my tank parameters are always perfect. I have even been told that I do not need the bio wheel since I am more of a "reef" setup and I...
  7. zeldanlink

    Changing from CC to LS

    I changed over the weekend even though the guy at the LFS tried to talk me out of it as it was "too messy". It was not hard at all and I am so glad that I did it! All in all, the whole process took about an hour and I scooped all the gravel in a huge fish net - did not take out any fish or LR...
  8. zeldanlink

    Changing from CC to LS

    I want to change the CC in my tank to Live Sand. I plan on purchasing the Live Aragonite Sand approx 40 pounds. Do I need to remove the CC in stages so as not to disrupt the bacteria too much or can I change it all at once? I thought the best way would be wish a fish net - any thoughts or...
  9. zeldanlink

    What kind of Skimmer??

    sea clone huh? Any other opinions? Thanks again
  10. zeldanlink

    Adding to Clean Up Crew

    Hey thanks for the advice~ E3 - sometimes, but not this year~
  11. zeldanlink

    Adding to Clean Up Crew

    What more should I add to this current crew: 8 hermit crabs 1 arrow crab 1 cleaner shrimp I am thinking of some snails (which kind) and can I add some peppermint shrimp? Will they get along with the other shrimp? For fish I have: 2 firefish 2 nemo 3 chromis Everyone is doing well - tanks has...
  12. zeldanlink

    What kind of Skimmer??

    I am sure there are varied opinions but- what is the best kind of protein skimmer for my setup? I currently have a emperor 400 and well, that is about it. All has been going well for a few months and the LFS said to add a skimmer about now~ What benefit will this have? THANKS!!
  13. zeldanlink

    What exactly IS a pod?

    Uh...whats macro?
  14. zeldanlink

    Bristle Worms

    WoW! You guys are REALLY fast! Thanks so much for the info. The little guy thanks you for sparing his life~ Now onto disposing of the dreaded anemone...
  15. zeldanlink

    Bristle Worms

    First of all - I have been reading this forum for days and have found tons of valuable info - THANKS!! Here is my question~ After reading these boards I get the impression that Bristle worms are ok - maybe even "wanted". However, ALL the material that I read (and I have read a ton of books)...
  16. zeldanlink

    What exactly IS a pod?

    I have LR and have noticed little whitish/clearish wormy things running like mad in and out of holes- what are they? Are they good or bad? THANKS:cheer: