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  1. jamesthero

    how much have you ???

    how much have you spent on a single fish my buddy cant beleave i spent $30.00 on a fish i will show him that's nothing in this hobby
  2. jamesthero

    hallogen light?

    yeah that would not be good ill look into some bulbs
  3. jamesthero

    hallogen light?

    not sure what im going to keep yet but is a 180gal im thinking 3 500watt or 2 1000watt not sure i know im doing xenias and mushrooms they look awsome
  4. jamesthero

    hallogen light?

    too late i'm starting tomorrow
  5. jamesthero

    hallogen light?

    i asked my lfs today about this and he smiled and told me to look at the display and grow tanks and what did i see craftsman 1000watt looking me in the face wow they look as good the $1000 set up if not better he did say you need a fan or too
  6. jamesthero

    this sucks skimmer?

    i have a pro clear aquatics wet/dry and the skimmer sucks i want to get a new one but the area that it sits in is to small here is the link can i get a 10 gal tank and use that for a skimmer sump then pump it back in the wet/dry or what do...
  7. jamesthero

    refuge with wet/dry

    do you think this will work? if i have the water going into my skimmer then wet/dry and from there pumping into a 40 gal refuge then pumping into the tank? this being for a 180 gal
  8. jamesthero


    i have the Odyssea/jebco 192 watt they are junk i'v made 4 trips back to the store cause they stop working or the fans make a real loud buzzz that drives me crazy gont get them you will not be happy as soon as i get the money ill be looking for a new set
  9. jamesthero

    are my levels ok ?????

    yes i found 4 turbos when i was cleaning i do 20% water changes every two weeks and i just did one two days ago i may be over feeding as well on my test sheet the lowest number for the nitrite is 0.3 so what color would it be if 0 'i just found my paperwork for the kit and it states ideally...
  10. jamesthero

    are my levels ok ?????

    what should i do to lower the nitrite
  11. jamesthero

    are my levels ok ?????

    2 months
  12. jamesthero

    are my levels ok ?????

    should i post my set up too?? i just need a reply soon
  13. jamesthero

    are my levels ok ?????

    NH3 0 PH 7.7 NO2 0.3 KH 9 :notsure:
  14. jamesthero

    wtb wet dry filter

  15. jamesthero

    wtb wet dry filter

    new to salt water and in need of a complet wet/dry system for a 180 gal reef/fish thanks email is
  16. jamesthero

    stockin for a 180

    yes i would like to know too same size tank with 60 lbs lr what would be the best fish and how many