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  1. jamesthero

    look Anemone pic????

    do you think i should try to get him out i got him 2 days ago and he wont come out
  2. jamesthero


    ok so i have 2 pc lights both have 2 bulbs 96x4 =384 then i have a 72" long flor. with 2/ 30 watt bulbs =440 /180 is that is 2.5 watts per gal right?
  3. jamesthero


    i have three lights do add the total watts from the three to get my watts per gal?
  4. jamesthero

    Say hello to the 2006 NBA champs - Detroit Pistons

    yews they will be going all the way :cheer: :jumping: and the parade is a must see! very cool.
  5. jamesthero

    huge storm

    3-6 here in michigan tonight :cheer:
  6. jamesthero

    Lets see those IN-wall tanks!

    Originally Posted by psusocr1 JAMES where did you get those 2 awesome pieces of rock? they are called weatherd lime you can get them at any landscape shop my fish love them.
  7. jamesthero

    Lets see those IN-wall tanks!

    Here is mine still alot of work to do 180gal 40 gal fuge and 30 gal sump etss 600 skimmer
  8. jamesthero

    Lets see those IN-wall tanks!

    let keep this one alive
  9. jamesthero

    180 gal set up

  10. jamesthero

    making sump/fuge out 2 10g's

    would you use a ball valve to ajust water going to the sump? if not seems like water will fill up like the fuge.
  11. jamesthero

    180 gal set up

  12. jamesthero

    Sump Instructions

    i thinking about that setup what size pipe is that????
  13. jamesthero

    humu trigger vs lawnmower blenny

    mine is the same way with new fish i put in a snowflake yesterday and trig went up to him and bit him in the butt lol same with my bicolor he's fine now just (FEED HIM WELL) he is by far the best fish i have he's like a dog ***)
  14. jamesthero

    temperd glass??

    my 180 is real old it has the chrome corner supports how do i tell if it's temperd?
  15. jamesthero

    do you think this will work fuge/sump

    do you think a 55 will be ok for a 180gl some live rock some coral lots of fish?
  16. jamesthero

    do you think this will work fuge/sump

    i dont think a 55 fuge and a in sump skimmer will give me much fuge foot space for a 180gal am i wrong??? and that main tank will not be drilled it's temperd glass and the sump will be as well as the fuge the sump will be above the fuge.
  17. jamesthero

    do you think this will work fuge/sump

    im not good with the art work but i think you will get the idea. i dont have much room in my fish room but i want a nice size fuge im going to use a 55 gal fuge and a 35gal sump d you think it will work?
  18. jamesthero

    how do i change tap to ro water????

    i going to get a ro filter this weekend and change my tap water over and crushed aragonite bed base to sand how should i do this will it start a cycle over?