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  1. shanahjm

    Water Changes or not...

    I stand corrected. 4000 kms
  2. shanahjm

    Water Changes or not...

    As a casual observer of this board, I am overwhelmed by the number of members who 'brag' about not doing water changes. My tank is an enclosed system. Since I am 4000 miles from the nearest body of salt water, I do frequent water changes (every 7 -10 days 10%) since the ocean does not replenish...
  3. shanahjm

    Skimmer Problem

    1.)As instructed, turn off skimmer for at least a week. 2.) Then check that all traces of red slime are gone. 3.) If OK, do a water change(week after adding red slime remover). 4.) Turn skimmer back on at a low setting and watch it. 5.) Slowly set the skimmer back to original setting. I had...
  4. shanahjm

    Flame Scallop

    Be very careful with scallops. If (or when) it dies and you do not remove it quickly it will poison your tank. Something that small will change your water properties for the worse. I speak from experience.
  5. shanahjm

    anemone fights

    I have a pink tipped anemone that has been in the same spot for 6 months. He can expand to rather a large size. I have a bubble coral that has been very happy in the same place for the same amount of time. The pink tipped has just decided to re-locate himself beside the bubble. The bubble does...
  6. shanahjm

    When algae attacks...

    I have had success with this product. It comes highly reccommended : Red Slime Remover by UltraLife Reef Products.
  7. shanahjm

    Protein skimmer & live rock

    Do I require more protein skimming power? Tank has been running 6 months, 90 gallons, 200 lbs live rock, Eheim 2229 (wet/dry) filter, 4 power heads(run off a WaveMaster Pro), UV sterilizer, 5 small fish and a couple of corals. I have a Prizm hang on skimmer that is rated to 90 gallons. All...
  8. shanahjm

    hair algae control?

    Had similar problem. Cut down the lights to slow down growth. You can siphon a good deal of the green hair algae off with a fine (1/4") hose (water line tubing). Turbo snails help.