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  1. jds61403

    Ballast Question??

    oh okay, this is not a remote ballast. Does that make it unlikely that it is wiring?
  2. jds61403

    Ballast Question??

    Thanks SCSInet this is great advice. I am not positive what you mean by remote ballast (I know little about this stuff) but otherwise I will try all those steps. Thanks again!
  3. jds61403

    40 gal lineup

    Yes it has a few snails and emerald, decorator and hermit crabs. The tank is established so I think it will have some snacks.
  4. jds61403

    Ballast Question??

    I have a Coralife 48 inch 50/50 with a 65 watt bulb on each side. One side only occasionally comes on now. This is a ballast problem, correct? Can I replace this part? Any info would be a big help. (Cost, where to get it, etc.) Thanks! :notsure:
  5. jds61403

    40 gal lineup

    I 've inherited a friend's tank and fish. Anyone see potential problems? 2 Large Clarki's 2 small Chromis 1 Rusty Angel 80 lbs LR 130 Watts 50/50 PC Two many? Could I add a watchman goby?
  6. jds61403

    Too much for a 10gal??

    Do you guys thinks that a pair of clowns and a small watchman goby & shrimp are too much for a 10 gal? This is really my ideal line-up. Thanks!
  7. jds61403

    ammonia gone, nitrites gone, NITRATES?

    My source of ammonia was pre-cured live rock from SWF. I never saw my ammonia get very high (like over 2). Does this mean that my tank probably will need a very gradual bio-load because it never went too high?
  8. jds61403

    ammonia gone, nitrites gone, NITRATES?

    My tank has only been cycling two and a half weeks but today the high nitrites were finally gone. My nitrate reading is only 20. Will this continue to rise or should I go ahead with a 25% water change? Seems like the nitrates would be higher.... :thinking: Also, anyone suggest a clean up...
  9. jds61403

    How high should ammonia spike??

    My 29g tank is cycling and is about two weeks into the process. I'm wondering how high should my ammonia have gotten because I never saw a reading above 1.0 I began cycling with some pre-cured live rock from SWF (20-25 lbs.) and didn't test until about day three (may have been a mistake)...
  10. jds61403

    Did play sand mess up my tank?

    I was planning on a reef tank.... Hope that it is not ruined. I still have the bag with the info on it. I was planning on putting a layer of live sand on top. What do you think?? :notsure:
  11. jds61403

    Did play sand mess up my tank?

    Great!! Thanks everybody
  12. jds61403

    Did play sand mess up my tank?

    It was a 50lb bag from Lowe's. Can't remember the exact brand and I'm at work so... Should I have vinegar tested (not even sure how to do that). I realize that some cloudiness is normal but it sat overnight and nearly looked the same this morning. Maybe it is becase I am not running a...
  13. jds61403

    Did play sand mess up my tank?

    My 29gal is cycling with some live rock. I added some play sand (thought it was okay), rinsed it and put it in my water. 12 hours later my water is still very brown and cloudy. Have I totally messed up? Do I need to replace all my water? I'm running 2 MJ1200's but do not have a filter up...
  14. jds61403

    Any non-toxic cow fish?

    yeah my gut tells me he is lying (wouldn't be the first time), but from what I have read they rarely release the toxin. I may be one of the few, the brave, the idiotic that give him a try. The disaster is just too tempting. J/K I may isolate him with some easy going, peaceful tankmates...
  15. jds61403

    Any non-toxic cow fish?

    Are there any non-toxin releasing cowfish? My LFS swears that this cowfish is not the type that poison the water when stressed, but my research is not finding any type of cow/box/trunk fish that is not toxic. Anyone have an idea? These look just like the long horn cow fish but he says that...
  16. jds61403

    Penguin 350 Biowheel for 29gal?

    How do you like the 130 watts PC. I was just about to order the exact same thing. The anemone and corals do fine?
  17. jds61403

    Porcupine Puffer?

    Is a porcupine puffer an absolute no, no in a tank with any corals or anemones? My LFS says they will only mess with a few. :notsure: Is this true or should I add it to the pile of lies in which they sit atop? Also will they out grow a 29gal? Are they very aggressive? Just trying to...
  18. jds61403

    Penguin 350 Biowheel for 29gal?

    Great, do you use carbon, etc. ? And Is it your only method of filtration?
  19. jds61403

    Penguin 350 Biowheel for 29gal?

    Is a Marineland Penguin 350 sufficient filtration for a 29gal reef tank? It is cycling at the moment and I want to make it into a reef tank. Does this sound okay? :notsure: Any suggestions are welcome. Sorry I'm a newb!
  20. jds61403

    Low pH in cycling tank

    My tank has been cycling for about a week and 1/2 and my pH has steadily fallen to about 7.8. I'm cycling with live rock from SWF and I'm wondering if it is okay to add some buffer to raise it. I don't want to kill off my live rock inhabitants. What do you guys think? Also, I'm not getting...