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  1. bab

    hippo tang behaviour

    thanks for the help sg_, you've convinced me to try the tang in my aquarium, :D because it is one of my favourite fish.. although i wouldn't think introducing a cleaner shrimp would be effective as i dont have much live rock, would this be able to survive? what else to they eat?
  2. bab


    the bigger your tank is, the easier it is to be in control of the wastes fish/reef (ammonia) becomes.. think of say a 2 foot tnk and you have one fish in the tank and it secretes ammonia into the tanks water.. now think of 5 foot tank with the same fish releasing waste into the 5ft tank, the...
  3. bab

    hippo tang behaviour

    thanks for the help.. ive always been interested in the hippo tang but all the things i read and hear about how they are so susceptable to ich has made hesitant to buy one... i wouldn't think im at the stage that i would be able to treat a bad case of ich without everything dying so i might...
  4. bab

    hippo tang behaviour

    Im interested in hippo tangs, all the ones i have seen in stores have a strange behaviour, where the tang lies sidewards most of the time under rock, bobbing in and out from underneath and sometimes just lying.. does the hippo tang like to hide? is this normal behavior as i have seen similar...
  5. bab

    inhabitants for new tank

    thanks.. what could be some other small to medium sized fish which could go with some of the fish i have in mind, or by adding more fish later would this be over stocking my tank ?
  6. bab

    inhabitants for new tank

    am currently cycling a new 85g tank, and am trying to plan which fish to add, im thinking to add a pair of clowns, probably percula pair or tomato, 3 purple firefish, a strawberry dottyback and maybey few yellow tailed damsels (im not sure how many would be good for this tank, many ppl say...