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  1. christine

    Brown Algae

    I am starting to get alot of brown algae on my live rock, tank floor and glass. Is this algae ok?
  2. christine

    Real Reef Fish!

    My Yellow Tang ate a calupera plant as large as a football in 5 weeks! After reading up on it, it seems that it is very good for them. Natural feedng so to speak. The only bummer is around here that plant cost me $15.00!! From what I also understand, put the calupera in before you add the...
  3. christine

    Camel Shrimp

    Hello Everyone, First I would like to take the time to THANK everyone who has written me back with their knowledge! Thank You! I have a 75gal Reef Tank--- I have a cleaning crew consiting of 8 Turbo Snails, 2 Astera Snails, 1 Sally lightfoot, 3 Blue Leg Hermits, 2 Cleaner Shrimp, and a Scooter...
  4. christine

    Snail Shell Question

    Thanks for the much needed info. I thought since they died, it would raise ammonia levels. I didn't want to take a chance by leaving the dead snail in with the healthy. Thanks again. Originally posted by Christine: Hello Everyone, Quick question. I had two turbo snails die on me while on...
  5. christine

    Snail Shell Question

    Hello Everyone, Quick question. I had two turbo snails die on me while on Vacation. I had someone watching my tank. I got the snail bodies out, I boiled the shells, soaked them in bleach and boiled them again. Question: Can I put these shells back in the tank for my hermits to move into? Or...
  6. christine

    The Contraversial Anemone

    I have been reading this post for months. I learned alot about the beauty of the Salt Water Fish Hobby. I understand I still have tons to learn. As far as keeping certian fish or inverts,,, if it is legal to own it and you research it, I don't see why one cannot persue it. I love all...
  7. christine

    Reef Question

    I have been setting up a 75g reef tank for the last seven weeks. I added over 80lbs of live rock and some cleaners and a few fish (3). All of my levels are good. I have a protein Skimmer and adaquate lighting. I have a wet / dry with bio balls. Everything is going great,,,,,,or is it. An...
  8. christine

    compatibility not on any charts

    Does anyone have knowledge of Cowfish? Can they be placed in a reef tank? Couple of tangs, clowns, and a lawnmower blenny. I can't seem to find any compatibility chart with "cowfish" on them. Please advise... christine
  9. christine

    Dead Hippo Tang

    Originally posted by Big Trigger: The first two fish I added to my 75gal RT i blacked striped clown and i hippo tang. Both small. They got along just fine. After 2 days the tang stopped eating and started growing a white substance near his one eye. The next day the tang was hanging near the...
  10. christine

    Dying Fish

    Hello, I too, along with big trigger, lost a baby hippo tang with all my water conditions just fine. My reef has been set up for over two years now. I think that sometimes you can't tell the weaklings at the lfs and they die. Best bet is to get the fish out of the water as soon as possible...