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  1. nutindeadyet

    Pic of my fat engineer gobi

    I got one a few months ago It grows fast. I have about four inches of crushed coral at the bottom of mine . I has only stayed in one corner and hasn't moved It has created an underground tunnel though. Its cool you never know which hole he'll come out of. cool Pics
  2. nutindeadyet

    brown algae

    thanks. I'll try that. Do you think it's because of my well water?
  3. nutindeadyet

    brown algae

    OK here goes. The 30 gal tank was set up about a year ago. I did the change over about 4 months ago. I don't know about the phosphates and/or silicates, but I reset up the 30 gal and it's not so bad in it. I recently bought new lights they're Coralite 50/50 flourcent. I've tested the water and...
  4. nutindeadyet

    brown algae

    It's everywhere, It started in one corner and has made it halfway across the tank. It's on the CC, tank, and the anemone. Could it be causing my clams and anemone to die?
  5. nutindeadyet

    brown algae

    I'm having a problem with brown algae. I transfered a 30 gal tank to a 55 gal. Everything was fine until about 2 months ago. I had anemones they were doing well in the 30 gal tank awhile in the bigger tank they started shrinking. All the amonia, nitrates have been fine. Then brown algae started...
  6. nutindeadyet

    Dumb Things I've Heard At My LFS

    I recently went into a lfs and asked if they had any live sand. She pointed me in the direction of the crushed coral bags. I told her I was looking for real live sand. She then asked "Why do I need it and What is it?" I explained it to her and she'd never heard of that, but that she has sand in...
  7. nutindeadyet

    Unknown White things. ID Needed.

    Are they good or bad ??? Can u get rid of them?
  8. nutindeadyet

    upgrading tanks?

    :) thanks all for the info. I'm impatiently waiting for my cabinet to be finished.
  9. nutindeadyet

    upgrading tanks?

    I'm enlarging my saltwater tank from a 29 gal to a 55 gal. How would I go about this. I was just hoping to take the stuff out of one and add to the other, I don't think that's wise though. I have ls, lr, and several fish.
  10. nutindeadyet

    Question about KH and PH

    thanks for info. I have seachem reef complete it says it raises calcium. Would it work???
  11. nutindeadyet

    Question about KH and PH

    I just inherited a tank from my brother and got the basics from a book. I've had it a total of one week and nuthin's dead yet. I was wondering, I've done the tests for ammonia, nitrite, ph, calcium, and carbonate hardness, and used the hydrometer. Everything is where it's supposed to be but the...