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  1. megsm318

    1st sick fish...Please help!

    Ok, here's the info: I've had this tank (which came with the fish) for a month now. I bought it off of someone. It is a 75 gal. tank. What I have in my tank: LR, LS, a clownfish percula, a sailfin tang, a yellow tang, a naso tang, a blue chromis, 9 pretty large snails, and a few small crabs...
  2. megsm318

    What's your JOB?

    Thanks for the replies!!! You all have very ineresting occupations! :D
  3. megsm318

    What's your JOB?

    Thanks for replying! 007: What do you plan on doing when you get out of the clinical psych program? How many years is your program? I know it is hard to get into grad programs...I've found that out with school psychology programs in CA. Do you have any advice for getting an edge...besides...
  4. megsm318

    What's your JOB?

    I'm double majoring in History and Psychology. I was thinking about law school or school psychology. Any ideas?
  5. megsm318

    What's your JOB?

    Could you please tell me what your job is and maybe what it entails. Also, I'm curious how you found the job (i.e. through a friend or through research). I'm going into my senior year of college, and I really need to make up my mind as to what I'm gonna do when I get out. I thought this...
  6. megsm318

    Ammonia Filter Pad

    After thinking about it, I've decided to just return the ammonia filter pad to the LFS. I found a website that sells the normal kind for cheaper than the LFS, so I think I will just go with that. Thanks anyway.
  7. megsm318

    Ammonia Filter Pad

    The filter pad is meant to filter out ammonia, or in other words, get rid of ammonia that is in the tank water.
  8. megsm318

    Ammonia Filter Pad

    I just bought an ammonia filter pad to put in my sump because the LFS has been out of the regular filter pads for a while. My ammonia levels are at 0 currently. I'm just wondering if it would be bad to put this type of filter pad in there if the levels are at 0. In my mind, it seems like it...
  9. megsm318

    Boxing Crab

    Cool! Any pics??
  10. megsm318

    ID please!!!

    Thanks for the info! I didn't know that! :nervous:
  11. megsm318

    ID please!!!

    Here's another pic. There are two of them. This one and one smaller one.
  12. megsm318

    ID please!!!

    My friend found these at the beach today. Can someone please ID them? Are they safe to put in my tank? I have a 75 gallon with 1 sailfin tang, 1 chromis, 1 yellow tang, 1 clown percula, and 1 naso tang. Just curious if they will be hazardous at all to the fishies. Thanks!
  13. megsm318

    Salinty gravity 1.023 - too low?

    My hydrometer says the salinity should be between 1.020 and 1.023 to be good for the tank. Why is that so low when compared to what you guys are saying? It was made by Coralife, so I'm kinda confused as to why they would make such a big mistake. Any ideas? :notsure:
  14. megsm318

    Adding New Sand?

    Can someone please help me by telling me how to add new reef sand to my tank? I already have a pretty good amount of sand, but I would like it to be a little thicker. I want to put another 20 lbs. in the tank. I have fish in the tank at this time, so can I put it in with them in there? Do I...
  15. megsm318

    Is my live rock alive?

    Ok thanks. I think most of the rock I have isn't alive then. How much live rock should I have for a 75 gallon tank? I'd like to buy the minimum amount that will make the tank prosper, since I have a lot of rock already.
  16. megsm318

    Is my live rock alive?

    I'm just curious how you can tell if live rock is really alive. What are the signs? Thanks!
  17. megsm318

    WTB: Tanks in Southern California

    I live in San Diego, CA, and I am starting a reef tank from scratch. I'm looking for pretty much any tanks, stands, supplies, pumps, protein skimmers for sale in Southern California. Thanks!
  18. megsm318

    Finding a Tank?

    I want to set up a reef tank. This is my first time, and I am having some trouble figuring out where I can buy a reliable tank for a decent price. I was thinking of buying a glass tank in the 35-55 gallon range. Can anyone help me with this? Thanks!