Search results

  1. kmatysek

    bleached-looking brain coral

    It's seems consistently all over the coral. We haven't had any temperature swings that I'm aware of - we're keeping a pretty constant 75-78 and it's not anywhere near the lights. But aything's possible. Is there anything I can do for it?
  2. kmatysek

    bleached-looking brain coral

    We've had an open brain coral in our tank since it was set up about 6 months ago. For the past several weeks he's looked bleached out and shrunken (not puffed up). Has he lost his zooxanthallae? Is there anything we can do? We've got great lighting (4x 96w, half full spectrum half actinic for...
  3. kmatysek

    Yellow Leather coral

    Yes, sarcophyton elegans. There's one on the cover of Sprung & Delbeek's Vol. 2. We have one - it was one of the first corals we purchased and it's doing marvelously. Assuming that's what it is, you don't need to worry about artifical coloring. Sprung & Delbeek indicated it's a relatively...
  4. kmatysek

    Blue fish

    What do you mean by a Regal Tang (I couldn't find it on this web site)? Is that another name for hippo tang? I would highly recommend a hippo tang. We have a similar set of fish - 2 clowns, a yellow tang, a sailfin tang, a neon dottyback and a mandarin. The hippo tang is one of my favorites...
  5. kmatysek

    2 dumb turbo snail questions

    This may sound silly - but the snails are fun to watch on the front of the glass! To me, they only add to the enjoyment of watching, and I'm always amazed at how fast they actually move.
  6. kmatysek

    Hippo Tang behavior

    Take a look at another posting - 'Problem with hippo tang', the last post date is 06-01-2000.
  7. kmatysek

    Need help identifying a crab

    We just discovered a crab in a 5-month-old tank - can't believe we hadn't seen him before. I know that whether a crab is going to be a problem can depend on the crab and his size, but I was curious whether anyone knows what type this is and whether you've had good or bad experience with it...
  8. kmatysek

    Tank Problems.

    It would help to have details on all your water conditions. We've got a relatively new setup as well, and we've got a couple fish who have sported ick-like white patches for months now but have been doing fine otherwise. My understanding is it's almost impossible to avoid with a reef tank...
  9. kmatysek


    I checked my books and they all (Delbeek&Sprung, Tullock and Fenner) recommend 7-10 dKH, which is the equivalent of 2.5 to 3.5 meq/L. [This message has been edited by KMatysek (edited 06-03-2000).]
  10. kmatysek

    Non-pulsing xenia

    "Bright light and intermittent strong currents, with periods of little current" (Sprung/Delbeek Vol 2). We have ours pretty close to the lights (and it's amazing what they'll do to get light - we've only had ours for a few weeks, and one stalk 'walked' to the neighboring rock in order to get out...
  11. kmatysek

    Cleaner shrimp vs. clam

    We just bought an absolutely gorgeous crocea clam. Unfortunately, one or two of our cleaner shrimp seems to be particularly interested in it. We've cut back on their food somewhat in an attempt to kill a red slime algae bloom, so perhaps they're just particularly hungry. Anyone had a similar...
  12. kmatysek

    Problem with Hippo Tang

    Well, I can't answer your specific questions, but perhaps our hippo tang experience can help: We purchased one a couple motnhs ago (our tank's been operational since January) and came back to our LFS in a fluster because the poor guy was riddle with white (spots and/or cloudy areas - kept...
  13. kmatysek


    More info is needed on your water qualities and set up. I agree with previous reply that the problem is not likely to be food, but another condition that the coral is more vulnerable to than the other occupants of your tank.
  14. kmatysek

    Calcium tester

    Do you mean a tester (similar to a Ph meter) or a test kit? We use the 'Red sea fish pHarm ltd.' brand Calcium 'Mini-Lab Test' kit, for $13.99 from our LFS (nothing's cheap). It's what our LFS uses when they test your water for you, and I know they use a digital meter for the pH testing. Hope...
  15. kmatysek

    Red Slime Algae Eaters?

    Thanks for the suggestions. They're consistent with what our LFS has been telling us, so I guess we really need to cut back on the feeding for a while and see what that buys us. They claim that our local water supply is OK - but we were thinking about trying a few water changes with distilled...
  16. kmatysek

    Red Slime Algae Eaters?

    OK, this is one of many postings on this same topic - my apologies. Setup: 90g, setup since January. 90# live rock, 10# live sand. 7 fish (2 clowns, hippo tang, yellow tang, sailfin tang, mandarin goby, neon dottyback). 4 cleaner and 3 peppermint shrimp. 2 emerald crabs. Lots of astrea...
  17. kmatysek

    trace elements

    By adding trace elements you encourage the growth of coraline algae (the pink or purple stuff), which chokes out other algae. Definitely a good thing. [This message has been edited by KMatysek (edited 05-15-2000).]
  18. kmatysek

    green cocoon

    I wouldn't think you'd want to move it to quarintine if it's attached to a rock. Be sure to let us know when it 'hatches'!
  19. kmatysek

    Feather Duster attacked!

    We've had a feather duster for a few months now, and has been doing fine except for needing to be 'rescued' from turbo snails and now our emerald crab. He's attached to a rock and when we put him in the tank we placed this rock against another at the bottom of the tank, with his tube extend...
  20. kmatysek

    Feather Duster Worm?

    I've noticed a brownish mucous-like substance from our feather duster's mouth as well, nothing of the pellet variety. I notice it most when I've just done a water change, because the particulates in the water tend to cling to it. We've had ours for a few months and he seems healthy (aside from...