Search results

  1. kmatysek

    Sarcophyton elegans propogaton

    Thanks for the advice guys. I think I'll try a different strategy since I'm new to this. I'll chop into my smaller one. Then I'll tackle the big one. Waterrat, the big guy is one of the first 3 corals we put in our 90g tank when we first started. We've lost a few along the way (2+ years) but...
  2. kmatysek

    Failed rescue attempt

    I would support this. It's appalling! I also think including legislators is a good idea. Even if you've got a company that doesn't worry about a few serious fish folk taking their business elsewhere, wide-spread, irresponsible handling of reef creatures otta' matter to somebody other than us...
  3. kmatysek

    Mushroom coral split

    We just started using DT's Phytoplankton and our mushrooms, especially the blue ones, responded big time. I assume that's what it was since we hadn't done anything else different.
  4. kmatysek

    Sarcophyton elegans propogaton

    Thanks, that's a great site. Unfortunately, it's example with a sarcophyton was to remove one full head from a colony (and they don't show how the original coral healed). I want to know how damaged this beautiful yellow coral will be if I do it. My husband is against doing it although I think...
  5. kmatysek

    Sarcophyton elegans propogaton

    Can anyone out there advise? Does cutting into a leather coral destroy the appearance of the original coral, or will it recover in time? And is there a preferred approach for cutting that minimizes the damage done?
  6. kmatysek

    Sarcophyton elegans propogaton

    We have a relatively big (12" in diameter), gorgeous yellow sarcophyton elegans in a 90g. My only attempt at propogation was with a small extension that was at the base of this coral and was in the shadow. That was two years ago and it is now a good 7-8 inches in diameter. I think I'm brave...
  7. kmatysek

    LFS in Pittsburgh

    Thank you both for your suggestions. Peddler, I like the sounds of the Canonsburg place better than Elmer's, so that's a big help! Is the URL you gave for the Canonsburg store? It looks like an internet-only site. What's the name of the store? I agree with Frenchman's comment about this site...
  8. kmatysek

    LFS in Pittsburgh

    For Pittsburgh-area: I'm advising (from a distance) someone new to reef tanks. Aside from recommending good books and to spend significant amounts of time researching before they begin, I'd like to point them to a good LFS which will help them get started. Any recommendations? I looked at...
  9. kmatysek

    Cup coral problem

    Our cup coral has developed a white and brownish area. It's mostly white, with some brown areas (mostly near the outer edges of the white region) and is on both sides of the coral (front and back). It's nothing that can be 'brushed' (gently) off. Is this dead, decaying portions of the coral...
  10. kmatysek

    Clown fish taken to mushroom

    Wow, someone could write a magazine article about hobbyists' experiences with unusual clownfish hosts! Your stories are great! I didn't realize we woundn't be able to move the coral now! It's nice to have folks like you to share with. I'm dying to tell people and they can't really...
  11. kmatysek

    Clown fish taken to mushroom

    I have two percula clowns and no anemone in our 90g. Suddenly one or both of the clowns has taken to our green pimpled mushroom coral(which has quarter- to half-inch long tentacle-like polyps all over them - the pimples - and I suppose that a desperate clown might take to them as an alternative...
  12. kmatysek

    Worm identification

    Hey, Oscar, thanks for looking it up! I looked up some pictures of a peanut worm, but I don't think that's what it is. This seems longer and narrower. Clearly, though, there are lots of species of marine worms, so perhaps it's a little naive of me to think someone could really identify it...
  13. kmatysek

    Worm identification

    Got a better look at it tonight, and it's more grey than black, and the black markings are almost stripes, in some kind of pattern. The head has several tentacles* feelers right on the end which seem to retract into the body as it is retracting back into the rock.
  14. kmatysek

    Worm identification

    Hi, all, We've got a nocturnal worm and I'd like to know what it is (just 'cause I'm curious) and if it's anything harmful. We've had all our live rock more than one year, but we just rearranged and have discovered a pretty good-sized worm coming out of one hole. He only comes out at night and...
  15. kmatysek

    Anemone for our 2 Percula Clowns

    All, I would really like to get an anemone for our established (1 year old) 90g reef tank and am looking for recommendations. We have two clowns - as best as I can tell they're true Perculas. We have excellent lighting and thriving corals. My LFS recommends a rose anemone (because it's in the...
  16. kmatysek

    Hermit crab and mushroom coral

    It's been this way for a several months, so I haven't felt too guilty leaving the mushroom attached. It's really quite humorous to watch.
  17. kmatysek

    Hermit crab and mushroom coral

    I posted this on another thread, but decided it was worth a topic of it's own: Has anyone ever seen this: we have a hermit crab with a mushroom coral attached to his shell. It's possible that the mushroom attached before he moved into the shell, but I don't think so. It's hilarious to see. Often...
  18. kmatysek

    Help! Need to empty and move my 90g ASAP! How do I do it?

    Thank you all for your help. We stayed up all night to do it (to minimize the stress on the little guys). Saved the carpet, lost NO livestock (with the exception of a cool little vermetid snail we'd discovered on one of our live rocks and I just plain forgot about it when I got to the bottom...
  19. kmatysek

    Help! Need to empty and move my 90g ASAP! How do I do it?

    I'm still trying to decide if it's worth it. The problem is that the water is all underneath the cabinet (it seeped through the wood base). We've been trying to 'wick' it out with towels, but I'm worried that we may not get it all, or enough of it, that way. If we get a mold* mildew problem...
  20. kmatysek

    Help! Need to empty and move my 90g ASAP! How do I do it?

    Seems like a dumb question, but if anyone has any handy advice - or can point me to another discussion on this - I need a quick reply. Our protein skimmer started dumping out water and our carpet is soaked. I'd like to move the tank so we can be sure we get the carpet under the stand completely...