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  1. kmatysek

    Placing the coral?

    I've used epoxy made for this purpose. Sorry, I can't recall the brand name, but I've used a green wand-shaped stuff with a white center. (You break off a piece and mix the green and white together then apply.) It's pretty white when hardened so you want to make sure it doesn't show (you can...
  2. kmatysek

    Underwater epoxy

    Sorry, I can't recall the brand name, but I've used a green wand-shaped stuff with a white center. (You break off a piece and mix the green and white together than apply.) It's pretty white when hardened so you want to make sure it doesn't show (you can trim it while it's still somewhat soft)...
  3. kmatysek

    PH level in reef tank

    Proper Ph level is 8.1-8.4. You should also be checking alkalinity. 'Alkalinity' is different than Ph (it's not how alkaline the water is). It's a measure of the 'buffering' capability of the water, which is what maintains a healthy Ph. I'm a newbie, but I check alkalinity (and calcium as...
  4. kmatysek

    Red slime Algae

    Our emerald crab hasn't touched our red algae (that I know of). Does he do it more at night? Our's does not like to be out in the open and we only occasionally see a claw reaching out for food on the rocks - never on the substrate where our red algae is thriving. I'd be curious about other...
  5. kmatysek

    Leather coral, not opening anymore

    Yes, who is more stressed? We had that happen with our brain coral. Never did figure out why, but he went back to 'normal' after about a week. (We were running a little low on akalinity and calcium around that time, but the Ph was fine and no one else seemed to be affected.) I wondered if...
  6. kmatysek

    Ground Fault Interupters

    Putting in a GFI is no work at all - you don't need an electrician as long as you know how to shut off the power to the outlet and to use a screwdriver. I suppose I should include some legalese warning here just to cover myself, but you just pop out the old outlet and put in the new...
  7. kmatysek

    Injured Anemone Crab

    Cher - Please post an update on your crab. Dying to know.
  8. kmatysek

    white hairy growths on live rock

    Well, I'm curious enough that I followed up on the 'sea squirt' suggestion and looked up what I could find. These might be sea squirts, but I was unable to find a picture of one like these to confirm it (the pictures I did find were far more beautiful or bizarre than these cottony fuzzballs)...
  9. kmatysek

    white hairy growths on live rock

    We've got those, too. I describe them as the fuzzy end of a Q-tip, but with a pair of white, sharp-looking prongs on the 'top' (the end not attached to the rock). We've got a bunch growing on the sides of our sump tank as well as on rocks. I haven't been patient enough to see if something...