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  1. pumpkin_52483

    the right protein skimmer

    ok, i move my tank from onehouse to anouther and it has been set up again since the end of january. i know i should have had but did not have a protein skimmer on there before i moved... now my problem is when i set the tank back up i forgot to distance it from the back of the wall far enought...
  2. pumpkin_52483

    Looking 4 Prizm Pro

    how much space do you need in the back of the tank for it?
  3. pumpkin_52483

    Fox face

    yeah i know that, the shadow spot is there when he is fine, bright and yellow.
  4. pumpkin_52483

    Fox face

    i have a fox face that i just added to my tank abotu 1 1/2 week ago. he is doing fine, eating, and very active. i was just wondering if he will ever get even a single spot on his side. he has a shadow of one on both sides but it is not a "spot". he is about 4 inches in size or so. also how...
  5. pumpkin_52483

    Brackish fish

    thanks, i had thought about doing it in the future but did not know about how i would do it, i wanted to try ballon belly mollies, bc i know they are brackish. but really only like 1.015 SG i wanted to set up an old tank i had and try it later, but need more info, do you knwo where i could find...
  6. pumpkin_52483

    Brackish fish

    hey i was just wondering if anyone had ever heard of changing a brackish fish to a SW tank and if they had what happened to it, if you guys can suggest anywhere else that i can look to fin more inforation on it that would be wonderful. i am just curious about the brackish fish. thanks:happyfish
  7. pumpkin_52483

    yellow tang

    i have a yellow tang in an 80 gallon, i would not put him in anything less. even though he is only double the size of a half dolar coin he will get bigger eventually.
  8. pumpkin_52483

    Switching Back to CC

    i have had crushed coral in my 100 gallon and have had no problems, it has been set up for about 5-6 months. it seems to be fine
  9. pumpkin_52483

    Fish only saltwater tank.

    you can pick up lace rock for pretty cheap and it is usually only one color, though. just be careful that you make sure the fake corals will not leak dye into the tank. good luck
  10. pumpkin_52483

    Cloudy eye on Niger.

    how are you parameters? it could be high nitrate posioning, and is called eye clout, which in turn turns into pop eye. i think it is fungus cure that i used for my clown and it worked wonderfully. the only draw bak was it turned the sealant in my tank lime green. good luck
  11. pumpkin_52483


    ok well we are looking to move sometime around the first of the year, i just set up the tank in June, and it has a tellow tang about a month in the tank and the purcula clown thati have had since i cycled it. I have a 29 gallon QT Tank and need to know what filter woudl be best for about 20-25...
  12. pumpkin_52483

    another what is it???

    ok well i have looked at the pictures of some xenia and i don'tthink that is what i have attached to the sand dollar. they have about 6 small fingers abotu the double width of a piece of hair. they are popping out of what look to be like baracles and are always moving, unless i need to change...
  13. pumpkin_52483

    Live sand

    thanks for all the info, so how long will all of this take if i only have about 4 hours at any one time that i can do this is i get everything ready first. where would i find soutdown sand at, i am in calif. and have never heard of it. will a mix of argonoate (sp) also help. how many lbs...
  14. pumpkin_52483

    Live sand

    i have CC in my tank now. how much woudl it hurt to mix it after the tank is already set and has been cycled and has a single percula, and abot 25 lbs of LR it is an 80 gallon tank. i knwo that the LS is better and that i shoudl get rid of my UGF and just run the powerheads and the fuval i...
  15. pumpkin_52483

    another what is it???

    ok well i just went down to the LFS and they had a very tiny piece of LR that was attached to a Sand Dollar. now this sand dollar is still alive and i would like to keep it that way, and so i need to knwo what to do for it. i do have CC and some live rock; not all that i would like to have but...
  16. pumpkin_52483

    sharks and bat rays

    does anyone have any info on them and what type of setup they would need. i have a friend who would like to start a tank and have just them in it, so i told her i would look for info for her. she is looking to do this in about a year or so. she wants a bat ray and a leopard shark. thanks
  17. pumpkin_52483

    another snail

    ok well it is actually it is one that slides along the wall. it is always along the front of the glass and never moves to the other sides, so i can usually only see the shell while i look at the side of the tank.
  18. pumpkin_52483

    mixing LR with Lace rock

    i know that i can mix the two but will my lace rock become "LR" over time or is it just not the type of rock that "stuff" will grow on. i also have on the live rock i have now what look like cone-pods that are maroon in color all over one side of the 8 lb piece i have in their now any...
  19. pumpkin_52483

    another snail

    ok well without a picture i know it is hard to tell me what it is, i have two snails in my tank. they are oblong shell size, and are "puppy dog pink" in color. any help would be nice. if they are bad or good or what. thanks
  20. pumpkin_52483

    perc will only eat frozen brine

    you cn also try frozen krill mine sem to like it better over the brine and it helps with their color too