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  1. ga8233


    I forgot, I think I don't have enough waterflow I have only 1 jet it's a rio 3100
  2. ga8233


    I take my water sample to the LFS (personal friend works there, doesn't cost anything when he tests for me ;) ) Anyway, I'm not good at testing myself, So as I said, everything tested exactly how it's supposed to. That's why we're stumped as to why the algae problem. I have crushed coral...
  3. ga8233


    Ok, So I've been dealing with a hair algae problem for a quite a while now. I have plenty of cleanup crew (just bought "The Monster" package a couple of weeks ago. It seems that the blue-leg crabs are more interested in killing my snails than doing their job (but that's another problem) I was...
  4. ga8233

    dying fish

    Thanks, i did a partial water change today. I hope everythings ok. I also had a lawnmower blenny and will be adding more to my clean-up crew. No one ever did answer my question before. I asked if anyone knew if fish sucked crabs out of their shells. I thought I saw my red emperor do that. gina
  5. ga8233

    dying fish

    thanks you 2 but too late. HE died sometime during the night. I have o idea why. It wasn't bloated, didn't have ick or bulging eyes or anything. Seemed totally normal. I had my water tested today and everything was exactly as it should be except that the ph was just a tad off. Not much though...
  6. ga8233

    dying fish

    I still have the hair algae problem and now one of my fish is in distress. I came home tonight and found my Blond Nasso Tang in the bottom corner of my tank:( It's obviously in distress. I'm not sure it's gonna make it til tomorrow.. Everyone else in the tank is happy and healthy looking. I...
  7. ga8233

    hair algae

    scott, thanks for the advice I'll try it Gina
  8. ga8233

    hair algae

    ok thanks I'll try that . Are the mexican turbo snails the black ones or the really big ones? I do have a couple of finger leathers and Hammer head coral along w/mushrooms and one anemone so If I burn the lights less will that hurt them?
  9. ga8233

    hair algae

    Ok everybody thanks so much for the advise. I've had my tank about three years but really don't know as much as I need to. This is a relatively new site for me so forgive me that I don't know the proper abbreviations for things. I use R/O from the store where I buy my chemicals and stuff. The...
  10. ga8233

    hair algae

    I'm not sure what you mean by parameters but I previously had 50 snails and 200 crabs both blue leg and red leg kind.
  11. ga8233

    hair algae

    Help!! I have a hair algae problem! I tried using "Marine S.A.T. but it doesn't seem to be doing the job. I have checked the phosphates and other stuff and can't seem to figure out the problem. I had this problem once before and found out I didn't have enough crabs. I don't think that's the...