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  1. ga8233


    that was easy sorry for the dumb question:o
  2. ga8233

    How do I attach an image?

    Ok here's my next question I reduced the third picture exactly the same way as the second one and when I tried posting it I STILL got the message that it was too large. Why did that happen when it was done the exact same way?
  3. ga8233

    How do I attach an image?

    ok here's the other part I don't think I have panoramic option on my camera
  4. ga8233

    How do I attach an image?

    oops Sorry I forgot to add the pic. :o
  5. ga8233

    How do I attach an image?

    ignore the previous pic. It's not very good. Here's another one. Nothing to brag about yet, I'm still working on it. By the way, I'm also new at the use of digital cameras so I apologize for the flash left on. Gina
  6. ga8233

    How do I attach an image?

    Ok I tried reducing it on Photoshop Let's see if this turns out
  7. ga8233

    How do I attach an image?

    ok I'll give it a try Thanks
  8. ga8233

    How do I attach an image?

    I've tried the attach button, but apparently my file is too large. What do I need to do to be able to make it fit?
  9. ga8233


    Ok then, How do I do a search on my name?
  10. ga8233

    what about this filter?

    Thanks I've been looking for someone to build a fuge for me. Hopefully I can get one done soon.
  11. ga8233


    Ok Thankks Everyone, I don't know why I wasn't told this when I bought the set up. Do you think that the lack of circulation has contributed to the hair algae problem?
  12. ga8233


    yes I am talking about sump returns. I meant I have only have one power head on the right corner of my tank. DO I need more? and what's a closed loop?
  13. ga8233


    Ok, I have in the past gotten most of my answer from LFS. The guys there are pretty good to me and I don't think they are "out to get me (money wise)" When I first bought my set up @ 4 yrs. ago, the owner advised me on "how to" everything. But he only sold me one return and I have noticed that...
  14. ga8233


    I'm still not sure how to work things here as far as checking replies for my questions. Is there somewhere here that has instructions on posting, checking posts, etc....? Also I tried inserting an image and couldn't do it because it was 75,000 and the maximum is 70,000. whatever that means. any...
  15. ga8233

    Am I doing this right?

    I had a hair algae problem (twice). Same kind of filter as yours. It took a long time to get rid of it both times. I'm not giving advice but I finally got rid of the majority of my bio-balls. As well as added more clean up crew and water changes and constantly checking my parameters. I'm looking...
  16. ga8233

    what about this filter?

    I asked this question earlier today but no one replied. Has anyone used the Ecosystem Filter sold here on My tank (125g.) is ok now but in the past I've had a hair algae problem. Will the Ecosystem help prevent that? Any opinions on the Ecosystem will be appreciated. Gina
  17. ga8233

    Bang-your tank.

  18. ga8233

    Switching Back to CC

    I started out with a DSB in my 125g tank. It didn't stay white and always looked "dirty." I couldn't keep it looking nice, not even with a good cleanup crew. after about 3.5 yrs I switched over to CC. We've been happy with it. I have since added 2 horse shoe crabs and will probably add one more...
  19. ga8233

    which filter is best?

    Does anyone have the Ecosystem Filter sold here on I have a wet/dry filter for my 125g. I've had hair algae twice in the past and thought this Ecosystem filter might also help prevent it. Gina
  20. ga8233


    I started getting cyno, but that was easy to take care of. All gone now. Just the hair algae. As far as topping off. I buy ro from LFS so I feel it should be safe from there. Don't have my own filter yet