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  1. mlt

    fishy friends

    I need to know if I can keep both a Green Mandarin and a Psychedelic Mandarin together? I have a green now and have had him for about a month and (s)he is doing great. I have a large powder blue tang, also for about a month and a large yellow tang that at first had little battles with their...
  2. mlt

    fish question

    Thank you for your help-I wish I had found this site when I first started my tank. When I first started out last March I started with a 55 gal-but for my Bday my husband got me a 125 gal tank and he is now into the fish as much as I am! Thanks to everyone who has heled!
  3. mlt

    fish question

    So does that mean that they are fighting? Or will they get along ok? They have been in the tank together for a couple of weeks and seem ok. Only do this once in awhile. If the clowns are nesting will they lay eggs or bear live babies? Is there a way to save the little ones or will the other...
  4. mlt

    fish question

    I have a large powder blue tang and a slightly smaller yellow tang. They seem to get along just fine in my 125 gal tank, but every so often they swim side by side and tap their tails together. Why do they do this? Is this their way of fighting? I also have two tomato clowns one just a little...
  5. mlt

    underwater lites

    I just saw a picture of a tank with lites that beamed up from the bottom and it looked so beautiful! Can these lites be used in a salt water tank? Were can I get some? I have a 125 tank-how many would I need? Thanks
  6. mlt

    Protein skimmer help please

    Yes that is who makes it. It only has one airline tube-not two like I have been reading about here. It is a pain in the butt! I just can't seem to get it to work right. Is this a bad skimmer to have? Thanks for the carbon tip. I will go out and get some now.
  7. mlt

    Protein skimmer help please

    Just set up my 125 gal tank. I used the LR & LS from my old 75 gal tank along with most of the water from my old tank, My water looks green now (it didn't in the 75 gal tank.) I have 2 400 Emperor filters. Will these clear the green from the water? I have a protein skimmer but I can't seem...
  8. mlt


    Thanks for the reply. What kind of plant life do I need? I have a large Yellow Tang and a Foxface that seem to eat everything green I place in the tank.
  9. mlt


    Thank you for your help and correcting me on posting rules. I have a bag of playsand from Home Depot but it doesn't say what type of sand it is. Just premuim best. Do you think I can use this? It is VERY fine and almost white in color. Also you mentioned something about a raw coctail shrimp...
  10. mlt


    Thanks for the help-I am not sure what type of LR/LS I have right now. I ordered it off the net from ***delete***. I think it is Fuji Rock.
  11. mlt


    I am switching over from a 75 gal tank to a new 125 gal tank. I am going to use my LS/LR from old tank but need to add more to the new tank. I was told that I can just use plain marine sand and pourous rock and that it will turn into live rock and sand, How long does this take? Right now I...