Search results

  1. mlt

    kick ick?

    Thank you everyone! I did get a QT w/heater and filter-no light yet. I am going to the LFS today and will check out lighting. What kind of Meds do I need to buy-just to have on hand? I do live a distance from my LSF and I want to be prepared. I have only 2 fish with ick spots-so I plan on...
  2. mlt

    kick ick?

    Tank has cycled, but I have noticed alot of algea the last few days. I just started to use the kick ick and need to add second dose today. How log before I notice an improvement if this does work? I only have a few fish with a few spots and it just started so the LSF suggested I try this...
  3. mlt

    Home made food?

    I my 125 gal tank I have LR-LS-2 marroon clowns-yellow tang-naso tang (which is a little piggy and will eat anything!) couple damsel-green madarin-cardinal-red spotted hawkfish-fox face. I also have alot of turbo snails-CBS-cleaner shrimp-couple peppermint shrimp and a horseshoe crab. Thanks...
  4. mlt

    kick ick?

    will kick ick cause tank water to become cloudy? I followed the directions to a T yesterday and just got home and tank water is cloudy. I posted early about all the trouble I am having all of a sudden. Thanks
  5. mlt

    Home made food?

    Thanks-I did get the basic from the FAQ but I was wondering about other veggies to use. I am new at this and don't want to do something wrong. So far I have had luck with the flakes but wanted to try something different,
  6. mlt

    is my LFS full of bull?

    Just go slow-it takes alot of will power not to go and put fish into a new tank. I didn't know about this site when I first set my tank up and I cycled with damsels, but now that I learned how much stress they went through I wouldn't do it again.
  7. mlt

    Home made food?

    Can anyone tell me how to make home made food to freeze? I did read a thread about it-but not quite enough info for me. I have veggie eaters (tangs-clowns-cardinal). What kind of veggies do you use? I read about carrots-but what else? I would like to try this as it does sound much healthier...
  8. mlt

    ick help please

    I do have inverts-snails-horseshoe crab-CBS-peppermints-hermit crabs, LR & LS. No corals but three bubble tip amemones. The bumps are like when a person gets goose flesh-but not as many. The color is color of the fish. They are all eating and swimming fine. I noticed that the spots on the...
  9. mlt

    ick help please

    Last week I lost my PBT-I am not sure from what. It started out looking like ick (little white dots on him) but within a matter of hours he started to turn white and die shortly after. Due to lack of knowledge (sounds better than stupidity) I did not QT him when I first got him because he was...
  10. mlt

    Powder Blue

    Thanks for your help-I really didn't think about that. I just thought that since they had him for so long that it would be ok. I really feel awful about losing him. He was the first one I had lost, and I guess from the sounds of it I shouldn't have gotten him but he was so darn pretty!
  11. mlt

    Powder Blue

    I did not put the powder blue in a QT because when I bought him the LFS that I deal with had him for over a month in a tank by himself. I figured that would be in the same as if I had Qted him. The only thing I had added to the tank was a cleaner shrimp that I did not Qt. and some live plants...
  12. mlt

    Powder Blue

    Thanks, I have had my 75 gal for 8 months and then did a switch over to my 125 gal 4 weeks ago. I have a large yellow tang and a foxface that I have had for over 6 months and they are fine. I just got the powder blue about 5-6 weeks ago and he was doing fine until yesterday. The clowns and...
  13. mlt

    Powder Blue

    My fish died. What would have caused him to die so quick? He was fine this morning and now gone. He was totally covered in white in a matter of hours. Will the rest of my fish die? I did a 30% water change and now my nitrite is at 0. My nitrate is at 20 and my ammonia is still showing up...
  14. mlt

    Powder Blue

    My powder blue tang was fine this morning. When I got home I noticed he had white spots on him. Thought maybe it was ich but in just a few hours he has taken a real turn for the worse. The white spots have changed to larger white dots all over him. He looks like he has lost his blue color...
  15. mlt


    Thanks for the help. I had the powder blue in my 75 gal and he was fine in there. Since my readings are high how much of a water change do I need to do?
  16. mlt


    My powder blue tang has little white spots and two larger white dots on him. He was fine this morning and just checked him when I got home from work. What is this and what can I do? Also all my water test result went way up from just a couple of days ago. My ammonia level stayed the same at...
  17. mlt

    Who started out with Tap Water?

    I have used my well water for years in my freshwater tank and now for the past year in my saltwater tank with no problems. We have a water conditioner.
  18. mlt

    fishy friends

    Thanks-any idea on how long it will take for the fish to mature? Weeks-months-years? I was kinda disappointed to see what (s)he looks like compared to the pictures.
  19. mlt

    fishy friends

    darn-the achillies look so cool. Any ideas on the little naso changing colors?
  20. mlt

    Missing CBS

    I had two cc stars that I had for quite sometime and then caught them in the act of eating my curly Q and my flame scallop. I also hand fed them. They also were taken in for credit at my local store. They told me that they hadn't heard of cc doing this but when you put live things together...