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  1. mlt

    Ammonia bubbles

    Although I have learned not to listen to the LSF I was told by them that maybe since I have a deep sand bed of Home depot sand with my LS on top that ammonia bubbles could have gotten trapped in the sand and when I added the horseshoe crab that he stirred up the sand and released the bubbles...
  2. mlt

    Ammonia down

    Finally my ammonia level is down-now nitrites over the top. How long will the tries stay high? Both ammonia and trires have been over the top for over a week-10 days but as of yesterday the ammonia has dropped to .25. I crashed my first tank full of livestock for some reason (still haven't...
  3. mlt

    need help!!!

    Thanks-I do have a QT cycling now. I know I can't add fish for awhile yet I was planning on doing what was suggested and leaving the tank empty for a month or so. All my fish have been gone for over a week already and I am not about to rush into anything and crash everything again! But what...
  4. mlt

    My tank is DYING!!!

    Sorry about your loss. I know just what you are going through since I have just lost all my fish too. I had a huge ammonia spike and now an off the test chart nitrite reading. Set my tank up on Nov 16 using all the LR LS and most of the water from my 75 gal tank. I have no idea why, at this...
  5. mlt

    need help!!!

    I sure wish I knew what started all this too! I lost a PBT first-then the other fish all started to go. The madarin and one of the clowns were the last ones to go. The anemones were somewhere in between. It seemed like one day everything was ok-then BAM. At first I thought that I might have...
  6. mlt

    need help!!!

    Will adding the Nitromax and the detox2 chips help with the nitrites like it says it will? How long should I expect the nitrites to stay high? I have about 75-80 lbs LR and about 2-3 inches LS and home-depot sand. I hate to lose all that!
  7. mlt

    Brown..... Algae???

    Welcome to the board!!! You won't believe the info you will get from the great people here! I too am new and just learning! The brown "stuff" is algea and a good sign. Just leave it alone and it will go away-probably to be replaced with green. It is a rather long cycling period and many...
  8. mlt

    need help!!!

    I had moved the fish I had from my 75 gal tank over. I had a number of snails-4 damsels-1 yellow tang-1 foxface-2 tomato clowns-1 naso tang-green madarin. I also lost 2 pencil urchins-1 pin urchin and a couple of bubble tip amenones. The only thing I had added since the change over was the...
  9. mlt

    need help!!!

    My ammonia level has been off the test chart for over a week now. Now my nitrite level is also as dark as the darkest level on the chart. My Nitrate level is at 20. A little background-this tank has been set up since Nov 16. I went through a complete cycle once already. I set this tank up...
  10. mlt

    Bogus amonia test??

    I haven't tried the test on RO water yet-I am just in the process of getting a unit. I only tried the frest tap water because I always was getting a 0.25 reading on my tank water. I made the BIG mistake of using tap water to start my tank and now am trying to get a RO unit. My tank has done a...
  11. mlt

    Bogus amonia test??

    I also use Aquarium Pharmaceutical test kit and even my fresh tap water shows the ammonia at 0.25.
  12. mlt

    Fish dying!

    Update-I have lost 4 fish so far-LSF took back the last two fish I got from them for store credit. I still have four in my QT. I was shocked because when I took them back the kid just dumped them into a tank-no acclaimation time. If this is the way they treated the fish I brought back-I...
  13. mlt

    ammonia spike

    This is a new thread to the one fish dying. Can I add bacteria into the tank to help get rid of the ammonia?
  14. mlt

    Fish dying!

    I just finished checking for anything else dead in my tank and found 2 flame scallops that were dead and STINKING to high heaven. Don't know if they died because of some other problems or caused the problems to happen. I got them out. Now what? Will my ammonia level go down now or do I need...
  15. mlt

    Fish dying!

    I put the new filters in when I first set up the 125 tank. I did not change anything since then. Just checked my QT and the yellow tang is looking and swimming better-the fox face seems fine. The clown is still on his side but is trying to stay upright and seems to be staying up right for a...
  16. mlt

    Fish dying!

    I rinsed the sand well and the water never got cloudy so I don't think dust is the problem. Will I lose these fish to ammonia posioning or do they have a chance?
  17. mlt

    Fish dying!

    I am using an Aquarium Pharmaceuticals Saltwater Master Liquid test kit. I got new filters with the 125. I am using two emperpr 400-one prism protein skimmer and one Aqua-tech 170 gph power head.
  18. mlt

    Fish dying!

    I agree with you that the LSF was WRONG-but would it take for Nov 16 til now for the ammonia to spike like this? Do you know how long it will stay up like this and should I start all over agin with my water or wait? thanks
  19. mlt

    Fish dying!

    Boy do I need help. I had a 75 gal SW tank for over 8 months with no trouble-then in Nov I got a 125 gal tank, I switched over all my LS-LR and most of the water out of the 75. At that time I added sand from Home Depot to get a deeper sand bed. I placed the added sand on the bottom and...
  20. mlt

    Home made food?

    Thank you Beth-yes I do feed them algae sheets placed in a clip and yes they do eat it. Thanks for the sites-I am checking them out now!