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  1. schmidthouse

    can i add a ...........

    I would completly stay away from damsles. IMO They are more of a pest than anything...they bullied my clowns and my purple firefish! Once you realize what buttheads they are, it is almost impossible to catch them to get rid of them
  2. schmidthouse

    Can anyone explain why my purple firefish is like deadly afraid of my yellow tang?

    a couple of months ago My purple firefish (Streak) wasn't seen for about two weeks because the damsles we had were such buttheads...we figured that Streak had died. Then one day he popped his head out. When we upgraded to a bigger tank were finnally able to catch the damsles and took them to our...
  3. schmidthouse

    Purple Firefish

    That seems to be an ongoing debate around here. there was a guy here that stated that he had a 3 purple fire fish in the same tank and they were doing fine... we have one and would like to have another but we are not willing to take any chances...Good luck and keep us posted
  4. schmidthouse

    Koles Tang not eating

    thanks, I actually bought some today, I'll try that out. Wish me luck
  5. schmidthouse

    Live Rock from

    We bought our rock from someone on was approx. 110lbs. for $165.00. it was a great deal. The guy was giving up the hobby and busting down his tank...if you search around your find a great deal in your area. I would be very hesitent to purchase Live rock without seeing it... but...
  6. schmidthouse

    Koles Tang not eating

    We got a Koles Tang on Saturday...We were very nervous about how our Yellow Tang (Sunny) would treat him. everytime we looked at the tank he was hiding and being very skiddish. So natually we thought that Sunny was being a bully. Then we were standing across the room and he would come out and...
  7. schmidthouse

    280 gallon tank for a new refugium

    Your tanks are BEAUTIFUL But when you are not sure how many gallons something is just remember this easy formula: Lenght x Width x Highth then divide by .231 Again, I'm sure alot of us wish we had tanks as elaborate as yours...good job
  8. schmidthouse

    Sally lightfoot itch

    Yesturday we saw our Sally scratching her right 3rd and 4th legs we just kind of laughed it off...maybe there lust itchie all the time!
  9. schmidthouse

    purple firefish

    My husband and I were just discussing that today...We have a purple fire fish and we love it, we would love another. But what I read on Dr. Fosters is that they are not naturaly an agressive fish but they are territorial and will fight with their own kind unless they are a mated pair...So we...
  10. schmidthouse

    New Kohl's Tang

    Chehalis, I'm about an hour north you...thanks for the input
  11. schmidthouse

    New Kohl's Tang

    I bought a new Kohls Tang, acclimating right now... I already have a yellow Tang that's bigger than him and a Dori that's smaller than him. The fish Guy said they should get along o.k. I hope so I hate when one fish gets intimidated.
  12. schmidthouse

    Killer Sally Lightfoots

    We just upsized to 150 gal tank and we ordered peppermint shrimps and a coral banded shrimp, different crabs and snails also a Sally light foot crab from this site, because it said that they are peacful and reef safe and would be a great addition to any reef tank. Yesterday I was talking to a...