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  1. mrextc


    thanks...i started a new post with all the info. I appreciate the help!
  2. mrextc

    Crazy high Nitrates... PLEASE HELP!!!

    I just got a 60 gal tank about 2 weeks ago. It has 60lbs of live rock(50 was from previous owner and 10lbs new), 60 lbs of live sand(30 from previous owner and 30 new from Caribsea live sand). This tank has a build in overflow and wet dry filter with a sump. When i started the cycle i kept using...
  3. mrextc


    by the way...this is a 60 gallon tank with 60 lbs of live sand and 60 lbs of live rock with a wet dry filter and sump. I haven't got a protein skimmer yet...will that help? thanks all!
  4. mrextc


    i've got the same problem. this is a brand new tank, 2 weeks into cycle and nitrates spiked up. I did the test twice and my nitrates are 160. no idea how my 3 chromis and hermit crabs are still alive. they all seem to be doing well eating well and having no problems. I feed twice a day 1 mini...
  5. mrextc

    ID Please

    Wow...that's awesome. This is a new tank. What do i feed them? I've just been feeding my 3 chromis and hermit crabs 1.5 mini cubes of mysis shrimp, twice a day...are they getting enough from that?
  6. mrextc

    ID Please

    not sure what this is, but i picked up a new piece of LR from the LFS and this stuff started growing after 3 days in my tanks.I don't even know what i should feed it...if i need to at all. Thanks guys.
  7. mrextc

    black live rock...

    Thanks for the tips guys... I didn't think hermit crabs cleaned LR, but the hermit crabs have removed patches of it all over the rocks. Now the face of the rock has white patches of clean LR. I don't know much about hermit crabs, but they are liking whatever it is that is growing on the LR. I...
  8. mrextc

    black live rock...

    it looks like the hermit crabs i got are going to town on the black stuff? maybe it's some kind of algae or something im guessing...anyone else have any ideas or suggestions?
  9. mrextc

    black live rock...

    Here's a picture...i hope it show up okay. But you can see on the left is the nice stuff and on the right is yucky. I don't know what to do with this...just leave it alone or scrub it off. Thanks for your input!
  10. mrextc

    black live rock...

    Hi all. I'm new to this group so i'm looking forward to learing from everyone. Here's my questions,I just aquired a used tank with LR and LS already in it. I bought some more LR today and realized that the LR that came with the tank is coated with a black not purple substance...any ideas what...
  11. mrextc

    which brand of live sand?

    I was also thinking about getting some of the same stuff. I just got a decent set up from the local classified. Just moved it in today, but i noticed that there is only 1/2 inch of sand. i would like more and was thining about this stuff... Do you have to rinse it out? or just dump directly into...
  12. mrextc

    New Tank

    Thanks guys. I just got back from the LFS to see if they had any pearls of wisdom. He suggested to replace the bio balls with chunks of LR and to get some hermit crabs to help cylce the water. This store is having a midnight madness sale so all dry goods are 50% off and livestock and LR are 40%...
  13. mrextc

    New Tank

    I'm just starting with my first tank. I've purchased it used from someone local. It is a 60gallon tank, with a built in overflow, with 50 lbs of rock(not sure if its all alive as most of it has little or no purple), 30 lbs of sand(live??? maybe?), no fish, a wet/dry filter with a 20 gallon sump...