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  1. lucascoatney

    Blue hippo tang question

    ya well the problem is similar to the firefish in the above post. I dont want it to starve to death. It eats the algae sheets i have in the tank at night when no one is around but never anything else.
  2. lucascoatney

    Blue hippo tang question

    it has been a week now and mine is still quite timid. he will sometimes swim around but then as soon as he sees movement outside of the tank hes right back to his hiding place. there shouldnt be anything in the tank to intimidate him. he is by far the biggest fish in the tank
  3. lucascoatney

    I'm getting a 750 gal...need ideas!

    wow that tank is amazing. how much did the guy let you have it for. i would kill to have a tank that size
  4. lucascoatney

    can you protein skim too much

    is it possible to over protein skim? like have a protein skimmer that is too big?
  5. lucascoatney

    Blue hippo tang question

    if he hides all the time how do i get food to him? just feed and walk away so he doesnt see me?
  6. lucascoatney

    Blue hippo tang question

    Hey I was wondering if Blue hippo tang's are normally shy when you first put them in the tank? I just added on and for the past day or so he has hidden from site. I can see him but he tries hard for me not to be able to haha. Is this normal. Will he warm up to the tank and start swimming around?
  7. lucascoatney

    A lot of questions

    ok that all sounds good but with the shrimp. he wont be able to kill any fish will he?
  8. lucascoatney

    A lot of questions

    Ok number 1 are bio balls/wet dry filters bad? I have heard many different things on this site like they are beneficial or some that say they raise nitrates... pretty much a lot of mixed opinions. What is the truth? Second I have a lot of rock work in my aquarium and I was wondering how you...
  9. lucascoatney

    anytips on how to get a copperbanded to eat?

    I have had my copperband for two days now and he swims in the open i just cant get him to eat. I know that they are sometimes hard to get to eat and they are picky eaters. When should i start worrying?
  10. lucascoatney

    fuge question

    Are you supposed to leave the light in the refugium on 24/7?
  11. lucascoatney

    RO/DI system question

    this might be a dumb question but do RO/DI systems remove everything including cholrine contaminents or do you still have to add the stress coat stuff that the sell in bottles to remove the chlorine?
  12. lucascoatney

    3 questions

    1. Is there any advantage to having wild fish as compared to aquacultured fish? 2. If I buy a mated pair of false percula's and add them to my tank that has 2 false percula's in it already will they become aggresive toward each other? 3. if i bought a green carpet anemone would it be...
  13. lucascoatney

    Mega-Powerful Nitrate and Phosphate Remover Replaces Skimmer, Refugium, Everything

    oh ok thanks a lot. and no my screen is that needle point stuff. its the same type that you used for your solar powered turf algae filter.
  14. lucascoatney

    Mega-Powerful Nitrate and Phosphate Remover Replaces Skimmer, Refugium, Everything

    how often do you have to clean the screen? i built one that is plexi glass all around with t5's on both sides. the screen is 3 ft long and probably 8-10 inches tall.
  15. lucascoatney

    why is this skimmer so cheap

    ahh gotcha. thanks a lot
  16. lucascoatney

    why is this skimmer so cheap

    i was lookin at skimmers and came across this one. Pacific Coast PS-3000 Protein Skimmer Needlewheel. It say that it can handle up to a 475 gallon tank and its only 250 dollars for everything. are these skimmers complete garbage?
  17. lucascoatney

    protein skimmer help

    are ASM protein skimmers worth while? i was thinking about getting the ASM G-3 skimmer but if they perform poorly i wont.
  18. lucascoatney

    adding clowns

    I know that you are supposed to add one species at a time so that they dont fight each other but i was wondering in i put false perculas in my tank now will i be able to put some gold stripe clowns in later without them fighting?
  19. lucascoatney

    Mega-Powerful Nitrate and Phosphate Remover Replaces Skimmer, Refugium, Everything

    hey i was looking at the beginning of the thread to see how long to make my filter and I was just wondering but why doesnt height matter?
  20. lucascoatney

    Mega-Powerful Nitrate and Phosphate Remover Replaces Skimmer, Refugium, Everything

    so is this better to build than your average refugium? i was planning on building one. which one should it be? also is there a rule of thumb for how long the scrubber should be? if i have a 220 gallon tank should i have a 4 foot scrubber or what?