I'm getting a 750 gal...need ideas!


Active Member
Originally Posted by locoyo386
Sorry but your are exactly wrong, it's not 838 gallons "exactly". Exact volume is 837 gallons 3 quarts and 8.73 ounces + or - 0.01 ounces.

the site i used didnt give me quarts an ounces :p it gave me gallons only LOL i guess it rounds up


Active Member
when are you getting it? so its going to be fish only? how are you gona light this bad boy up? any sump ideas?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rotarymagic
840gallon tank... just keep homeless people in it LOL... I mean it is coming from Austin and all hahaha...
I'm sure they'll get really aggressive if you don't feed them for a day or two lol.

Sorry, couldn't resist.
This is a terrible thing to say, although the devil inside me is making jokes about it right now...
Like "you could throw a free goodwill jacket in there and watch them fight to the death for it."
Or "You could give them a coupon for 'two hot's and a cott' at the local shelter."


Active Member
Originally Posted by YearOfTheNick
This is a terrible thing to say, although the devil inside me is making jokes about it right now...
Like "you could throw a free goodwill jacket in there and watch them fight to the death for it."
Or "You could give them a coupon for 'two hot's and a cott' at the local shelter."
nick, thats just wrong, on so many levels, but also so very very funny at the same time


New Member
Awesome tank! WOW. I'd really like to have one myself but my 180 is sometimes a pain to clean and maintain. I'd hire a homeless man to clean it! after thorough training and such of course....

el guapo

Active Member
Hey guys lets cut it out with the homeless comments. I work for a shelter and there is nothing funny about it .


Active Member
It finally happened. Sep is a mod. How did I miss the ceremony? Was there a ceremony? We need a ceremonial thread to celebrate!!!


I'm picking it up this weekend
!! I've decided to go with two skimmers, one is a custom built warner marine xl300 (not on their website, special order only). From what I've heard, this thing is a beast. I guess it better be for $2300.00. I'm still undecided about the other. I'm thinking maybe a bubble king supermarine 300 or an ATB XL. I've decided not to skimp on filtration with this tank, so I guess you can say I'm going all out with it. Here's some pics of the skimmer and tank...
Attachment 215149
Attachment 215150
Attachment 215151
Attachment 215152



lol, my wife would divorce me if I brought a tank that size in the house. She thinks the 150 is too big.
So I have to live the good life though you. Can't wait to see it up and running!


Originally Posted by RCreations
lol, my wife would divorce me if I brought a tank that size in the house. She thinks the 150 is too big.
So I have to live the good life though you. Can't wait to see it up and running!

LOL! At first my wife was like "WHERE IN THE HEL* ARE YOU GOING TO PUT THAT THING!" but after a little sweet talking and TLC she was all for it.