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  1. mini micro

    Bubble coral Help!!

    Bump! Its getting worse looks smaller today than in that pic and that was only taken the other day!!!
  2. mini micro

    clowns wont play in anemone

    LOL I have never heard of this method before though i'm sure it won't hurt to give it a go. How long have they been in together? I had my clownfish in my tank for ages before I got round to putting in my anemone, when I did they didn't take to it straight away it took them a while to...
  3. mini micro

    Pictures of Tanks with only T5 lights wanted

    I am also interested in upgrading my lighting I have a 120g tank and was wondering what would be the best lighting I should purchase?
  4. mini micro

    Bubble coral Help!!

    the white parts in the pic is where the coral has died i'm not sure what has happened to it as it was doing so well until recently!
  5. mini micro

    Bubble coral Help!!

    I'm not sure if this is called bubble coral cause i've never seen any tentacles coming from it! This is a pic of the coral i'm talking about!
  6. mini micro

    Bubble coral Help!!

    I've had my bubble coral in my tank now for a very months but its seems to be dying off and at a pretty quick rate I was wondering is there anythin that can be down to stop this and what sort of conditions they should be under?
  7. mini micro

    Securing Live rocks

    so I can just use regular super glue gel?
  8. mini micro

    Securing Live rocks

    I'm trying to build my rocks up and need suggestions on how people keep them from falling over?
  9. mini micro

    Can I clean my old rock and sand?

    I had a bad aglae growth on my rock at one stage took them out and cleaned them lightly with a tooth brush in a bucket of tank water and they were fine. Do it lightly so not to damage the rock just enough to remove the dirt!
  10. mini micro

    Discoloration in my Live Rock Help!!

    This is my second tank and has been running since December everything has been running well up unitl now! Done a large water change there today so wil let the tank settle for a while and then redo the tests and post up the results see whats yous think! Thanks for the help everyone appreciate it!
  11. mini micro

    algae help plz!!!

    will these hermits and queen conch crawl up over the rocks and eat the algae or will they stay around the bottom and the sand? Could use some of these myself
  12. mini micro

    Discoloration in my Live Rock Help!!

    yes i upgraded my lighting there would this cause problems? There has been a lot of evaporation recently in the tank!
  13. mini micro

    Discoloration in my Live Rock Help!!

    Yup have a buffer here wil get on to it straight way. If this is restored will the colour return to my rock?
  14. mini micro

    Discoloration in my Live Rock Help!!

    nitrate, nitrite 0.1 salinity 1.024 pH 7.5 I think Im thinking I may need to do a large water change As this are a bit low. But what would you think would cause this to happen?
  15. mini micro

    Discoloration in my Live Rock Help!!

    My i've noticed my live rock going from a bright purple and pink colour to a dull beige colour which looks to be covering them! I was wondering if anyone else has had this problem or if anyone knows what would have caused this so i can get my colourful rocks back! Plz Help!!
  16. mini micro

    Just a Few Questions

    i have 2 36W white lights and 2 36W blue lights which is what i was reckomended to get. I was thinking I was over my limit but none of these fish are anywhere near fully grown and when they do out grow my tank I would be taking them back to the shop.
  17. mini micro

    Just a Few Questions

    I'm just new to the forum only found it by accident which is lucky lol. But I have a few questions I would like to ask if any one can help? I just set up my second tank which is 450L approx 120 gallons, in my old tank I had problems with algae i put in some tubro snails but they didn't last...