Search results

  1. fish lady

    Bubbles and Elegants...?

    I have had mine for a year now and it is just doing amazing. It has grown about 3 x the size it was in the first year. I have lost a couple of fish and other things and it is still huge and healthy. Its kept in the corner with not alot of flow and it is under 400 w mh and grows like a weed...
  2. fish lady

    six line and sexy shrimp??

    I just got rid of my six line. He was picking on my scooter blennie so bad. He would bite little chunks out of him. My scooter ended up hiding under my elegance coral at all times. He also ate one of my sexy shrimp. He looked cool but was the most miserable thing in the tank. Now that he...
  3. fish lady

    Post pics of 90 gallon tanks please

    Originally Posted by Maingo Heres mine, click on the pictures for full size view Hey that is a cool set up. That is what I want someday.
  4. fish lady

    Glass Anemones

    Originally Posted by chinpokomon A Google search using the phrase “Elegance Coral Aiptasia control” shows it’s not as unknown as it seems. Some sites point to another bio control a Nudibranch known as Berghia verrucicornis they exclusively eat glass anemones so you’ll need to pass them on after...
  5. fish lady

    Elegance Coral to control Glass Anemones???

    Hi, I have a question! I was told by someone that you could take a Elegance Coral and place it close to the glass enemones and because the elgance has such a strong sting it will kill them. Do you think this will work? I was told it does not work over night but helps alot. If you think it...
  6. fish lady

    Glass Anemones

    Originally Posted by chinpokomon To be honest I never owned an EC for GA eradication. I used this method at the LFS where I worked (years ago) I was showed this method by the shop owner. I never noticed adverse effects to the coral but I must admit we had a high sales rate so the corals I used...
  7. fish lady

    ever see a elegance coral swell?

    Originally Posted by Scoobs Mine looks like its holding water or something.. The coral looks ALOT more healthy thatn it was.. but just really odd looking My pink elegance grows like a weed he is huge now. I have him in one corner of my tank in the sand with no LR near him in low flow water. I...
  8. fish lady

    Fox Face with bumps

    Originally Posted by sepulatian Did you quarantine these new fish? If not, set up a qt now and get it ready. Tangs and butterflies are the two breeds of fish that are most likely to introduce disease into your tank. No I did not the lfs kept the tang and copperband in a seperate tank for 2...
  9. fish lady

    Fox Face with bumps

    Originally Posted by sepulatian What sized tank is this? Now that the fox is without the tang he should heal just fine as long as he is fed nutritious foods and the water is kept in great conditions. It is a 90 gallon and I added a new tang it's a scopas tang, and a copperband butterfly and he...
  10. fish lady

    Start of one "BIG" SPS tank

    Originally Posted by azfishgal Wow, it's really about where we live, huh? My tank runs between 78-81, and I'm really hoping by keeping my AC set at 78, I won't need a chiller in the summer. BUT, this will be my first summer with my large tank, so we'll see (on knees praying). My husband...
  11. fish lady

    Glass Anemones

    Originally Posted by chinpokomon I forgot there is one other natural control you can try Elegance coral it’s sting is incredibly deadly to anemones and other corals. All you need to do is lightly brush its tentacles against your foe and they’re dead. If you happen to have one or know someone who...
  12. fish lady

    Post your Photo tips here...

    Originally Posted by luke01 Somebody please help. How can I download my pictures. I downsized to vga and still to many mega pixels. Minimum is 100x100. My camera does not take any less quality pictures.What do I have to do. Every time i try it tells me i have to use 100x100, You are the best...
  13. fish lady

    Post pics of 90 gallon tanks please

    Originally Posted by Key00west the second pic is the 90 on the left and 120 on the right :happyfish Will you put a front view pic of the 120? How much LR is in the 90?
  14. fish lady

    Start of one "BIG" SPS tank

    Well this is my first day on here and you are by far the fish GOD! I was just wondering, I only had a 200 gallon and the moisture in my house was unreal the windows were sweating like crazy! How many de-humidifiers do you have set up?
  15. fish lady

    Post pics of 90 gallon tanks please

    Originally Posted by gman08016 Moving up to a 150 in a week or two Is that a puffer in your pic?
  16. fish lady

    Post pics of 90 gallon tanks please

    Hey cool I just got the same all glass tank as you or at least the little sticker in the corner is the same. Mine has the over flow in the left side though. Your stand looks alot nicer than the one I got. I set it up on Sun. I had a 90 right before that but no over flow so switched. You did...
  17. fish lady

    Mixing Clowns with damsels. is it ok?

    I had 4 of the blue damsels as well, as much as it was a pain to catch them I had to. They where to mean to everything in the tank. I have also had no luck with a odd number of clowns. They have always picked on the odd one that is left out and before long they die. I am no expert but that...
  18. fish lady

    Post pics of 90 gallon tanks please

    I just switched from a 200 gallon tank to a 90 due to a leak. I would like to see how some of the tanks that belong to people who know what they are doing because I can never get mine to look like some I have seen. I have enough stuff but don't think I stack my rock very nice or something...
  19. fish lady

    post pictures of 180 gallon tanks please

    Murph 145 that is one of the nicest tanks I have seen in a long time. How much LR do you have in there? I bought a 200 gallon tank and it took forever to make it look like there was anything in it but down sized to a 90 gallon and it looks alot better. I was always told you can't have that...
  20. fish lady

    Fox Face with bumps

    I have a fox face that has been happy and healthy for about a year. Then I brought home a unicorn tang and it always picked on the fox face. Just after I brought the tang home the fox face got a bunch of clear blister like bubbles on his side. Now they are flat on his side again but still...